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Adventures in Middle-Earth

Middle-earth is packed full of exciting and varied terrain that battles are fought across. From lush and vibrant forests to the ruined Dwarven kingdoms of old to humble fishing settlements, a Battle Company can be forced to engage in a skirmish in almost any place — and must be ready to take up their weapons at a moment's notice.

Over the next few pages we will present a series of rules for fighting your battles in a variety of different locations in Middle-earth. Some of these represent specific places, such as Lake-town or Goblin-town, whilst many could represent a multitude of places across Middle-earth. For example, forests could be used to represent Mirkwood, Fangorn and many more.

The rules provided here are by no means exhaustive, but some of them can be applied to various Scenarios during the Narrative Campaign found on page 92. If you want to create your own rules for fighting battles in other locations, feel free to try your hand at it. Creating your own rules for other locations can provide a very personal feel to your games of Battle Companies, and can make every game feel unique.

Also, some of the rules for these locations can provide a great basis for other areas of Middle-earth. For example, the rules for Ice Floes found in Lake-town over the next pages would be ideal for using in the Ice Bay of Forochel Scenario in the Narrative Campaign to add some extra flavour to your games.


Many realms and cities have waned and fallen into ruin as their power has faded, and none has suffered more than the once great realm of Arnor. Her former strongholds and rich cities are now nothing more than piles of rubble, haunted by the chilling voices of those that once ruled them. It has even been said that Evil spirits lurk within the crumbling stone, bound to the dark powers that once conquered their lands.

Often, Battle Companies will venture into these ruined places in search of riches or items of great power from ages long since past, unaware of the perils they are wandering into. For the spirits that dwell within the haunted ruins see the members of a Battle Company as easy targets to sacrifice in the name of the dark power that binds them.

Games that take place within Haunted Ruins should feature a wide selection of different buildings, ruins and similar. All of these are subject to the following rules:

CHILLING AURAThough it was once a proud building of a noble kingdom now long forgotten, it is hard to deny the chilling feeling that those pure of heart sense whilst within its walls.

Good models within a Haunted Ruin suffer a -1 penalty to their Courage value whilst within it.

SPIRITS OF THOSE LONG DEADAs rival Battle Companies fight amongst the ruins, the twisted, lingering spirit of the realm's former king has been stirred and now seeks to exact his revenge upon those that have entered his domain.

For any game featuring Haunted Ruins, players will need a number of identical markers equal to the number of ruins on the board, one of which should be marked underneath. The markers should be randomised and one should be placed in each ruin so that neither player knows which one is marked. The first time a model moves within a ruin, flip the marker over. If it is unmarked, nothing happens, remove it from play. If it is marked, the model has disturbed the restless spirit within the ruin. Immediately place a Barrow-wight within the centre of the ruin. The Barrow-wight will always move first in each Move phase, even before Heroic Moves, and will charge the nearest model from either Battle Company by the shortest possible route. If this is not possible, it will move as quickly as possible towards the nearest model from either Battle Company. If, before the Barrow-wight moves, there are models within 6" of it, the Barrow-wight will try to cast the Paralyse Magical Power using a single Will point on the closest model, so long as it has Will points remaining.


Upon the waters of the Long Lake sits the humble fishing settlement of Esgaroth, a meagre town filled with impoverished people. Even in its relative poverty, trade still manages to trickle into it, its creaking walkways dotted with stalls, markets and numerous barrels of fish, adding a pungent fishy smell to the already downtrodden settlement that resides atop the cruel and unforgiving lake.

Although Esgaroth usually provides a 'safe' haven for travellers, it is not unheard of for opposing Battle Companies to enter into violent disagreement in one of the town's many taverns. Often these disagreements can form into fully-fledged skirmishes that will claim lives.

DOORWAYSThe many houses that are built atop the Long Lake can provide a variety of extra pathways and shortcuts for warriors to traverse Esgaroth.

A Man-sized (or smaller) model that starts its Move phase in base contact with a door on a Lake-town House may choose to enter the house instead of moving. The model spends its turn running through the house (no doubt knocking over chairs, tables and various other items as it goes) and is placed in base contact with any other door on the Lake-town House. A model that moves in this way counts as having moved its full Movement allowance. If the model cannot be placed in base contact with another door for whatever reason, then it cannot move in this way.

BOATSMany folk of Lake-town are fishermen or bargemen. As such, it is commonplace in Lake-town for most families to own a boat, which they use to fish or cross the Long Lake.

A model may enter or exit a boat by passing a Jump test. A boat has limited space and as such only two Man-sized (or smaller) models may occupy a single boat. An unengaged model that is in a boat may row it up to 6" in any direction upon the water. If two enemy models are in the same boat, they count as Engaged and will fight each other in the Fight phase. As models in a boat cannot Back Away, any model that loses a Duel roll whilst in a boat counts as Trapped.

ICE FLOESThe freezing waters of the Long Lake are strewn with numerous ice floes. Although these sheets of ice provide a cunning warrior with an alternative pathway across Lake-town, even the most sure-footed can find themselves upended by the ice's treacherous surface.

At the start of each turn, determine the direction that the lake is flowing. This can be done with a roll of a D6, letting the player with Priority choose or by using a Scatter dice. Each Ice Floe is moved D3" in the chosen direction. Any models that moved during the Move phase and end their move on an Ice Floe must roll a D6. On a 1, that model loses its footing and falls into the lake. Any model that falls into the freezing waters is removed as a casualty.

BARRELSLake-town is constantly littered with barrels containing all manner of exciting things, from fish to ale to countless other goods. A well- timed kick of one of these can knock over countless adversaries as it barrels down the streets of Esgaroth.

A Barrel is a Heavy Object. Any model carrying a barrel may choose to kick it D6" towards the enemy, even moving through other models. Any model that the barrel moves through must roll a D6. On a 1-2, the model is immediately knocked Prone and suffers a Strength 1 hit. Place the Barrel where it finishes its movement — it gives your opponent the chance to kick it right back! Barrels that enter the Long Lake are removed from play.

FISH BASKETSEsgaroth is a fishing settlement, and as such, baskets and barrels of recent catches can be seen on almost every street corner and table. A well-placed slap with a fish will disorientate anyone who is on the receiving end of the slimy makeshift weapon.

If a model that is in base contact with a Fish Basket wins a Duel roll, they may choose to slap one enemy model with a fish instead of making Strikes. Any model that is slapped with a fish suffers a Strength 1 hit. Additionally, they may not move during the following Move phase and are reduced to Fight 1/6+ until the End phase of the following turn.

LANTERNSWhen the skies turn dark, the streets of Lake-town are dotted with lanterns that light up its streets, outlining the edges of the walkways for the townsfolk.

Many of the Scenarios in Lake-town take place at night. When this is the case, models can only see other models that are within 12" of them. A model within 3" of a Lantern can be targeted at any distance.

SLIPPERY WALKWAYSThe walkways of Lake-town are constantly wet from the waters of the Long Lake, not to mention the fish that often litter the streets, which causes them to become slippery and dangerous for those fighting atop them.

Whenever a model Backs Away as a result of losing a Duel roll, it must roll a D6. On a 1, that model slips on a particularly wet piece of wood (or potentially a stray fish) and is knocked Prone. Note that this happens before Strikes are made, which means that any model that slips will therefore be Prone when its opponent makes its Strikes!

FENDERSThese lightweight wicker objects are designed to prevent boats from crashing into the docks. However, they can also be used to deliver a swift thwack to an enemy in times of desperation.

A Fender is a Light Object. At any point during its Move phase, a model carrying a Fender may use it to hit a single enemy model within 1" of itself. On a 4+, the model hit with a Fender is knocked Prone.

OUTHOUSESAn outhouse can make for a very good, albeit smelly, hiding place (not many people are inconsiderate enough to enter an outhouse while its door is shut!), and can conceal its occupant from enemies that traverse Lake-town.

During the Move phase, a Man-sized (or smaller) model that is in base contact with the door of an unoccupied Outhouse may choose to enter it. Whilst within an Outhouse, a model cannot be targeted or seen by enemy models and has no Control Zone. Models inside an Outhouse cannot draw Line of Sight and therefore may not Shoot, cast Magical Powers or use any special rules that target a specific enemy or friendly model. They may, however, Charge out of an Outhouse as if they did have Line of Sight from the door of the Outhouse.

Each Move phase, a single model may attempt to open the Outhouse door, revealing anyone hiding inside by being in base contact and rolling a D6. On a 6, the model inside has been found and is subsequently charged by the model that found it. As there is nowhere to Back Away to in an Outhouse, if the model inside loses a Duel roll, it will automatically be Trapped.


Middle-earth is strewn with numerous forests and woodlands with histories stretching back as far as records, or memories, recall. Each of these forests is different, with each harbouring its own secrets and dangers from the wider world. From the golden woods of Lothlórien and the gloomy paths of Mirkwood, to the forest of Fangorn still steeped in mystery, forests in Middle-earth can be both beautiful and terrifying places.

With the amount of travelling a Battle Company embarks on, it is almost certain that they will have to traverse the paths of these forests numerous times upon their missions — and no doubt will encounter an enemy company upon the well-trodden paths, leading to a clash of steel beneath the boughs of the trees.

Games that take place within a forest should have about 50% of the board covered with woodland terrain. At the start of the game, before deployment, players should roll to see which of the forests of Middle-earth they are fighting in — or simply choose from the list if there is one that particularly suits your game. All pieces of woodland terrain will automatically be of the same type, depending on the result of the D6.

D6 Result
Normal Forests have no additional rules.
At the start of each Move phase, randomly select D3 pieces of woodland terrain. The closest model to each of the selected pieces must pass a Courage test or suffer the effects of the Transfix Magical Power.
At the end of each Move phase, randomly select one piece of woodland terrain on the board and place a single Mirkwood Spider within the centre (or as close as possible). This Mirkwood Spider will then move as fast as it can towards the nearest model from either Battle Company, Charging if possible. If the Mirkwood Spider is not in combat during the Shoot phase, it may shoot its Spider Webs at the closest visible model if it is in range.
During each Shoot phase, roll a D6 for each model either in a piece of woodland terrain or within 3" of one. On a 1 or 2, that model suffers a Strength 2 hit as if it was shot with a bow from the edge of the woodland terrain closest to the model. If there are any In The Way rolls to be made, such as if the model is in combat, or if there is other terrain or models in the arrow's path then any In The Way rolls will still need to be made.
At the start of each Move phase, roll a D6 for each model in base contact with or within a piece of woodland terrain. On a 1 or 2, that model suffers a Strength 6 hit as the trees lash out against them.
Any Evil model that is even partially within a Haven Forest suffers a penalty of -1 to their Courage value while they remain within it.


Beneath The Misty Mountains, further north than the kingdom of Moria, is the dismal dwelling of Goblin- town. The wooden walkways of this blighted place are strewn with the bones and entrails of those captured by the troglodyte creatures who make their home within the bowels of the mountain.

The Misty Mountains have countless paths through them, many of which a Battle Company will have to traverse in order to cross them. However, this can lead to disaster should a company choose a path which strays too close to the entrances of Goblin-town; for the Goblins who live there constantly await more travellers to maim, torture and feast upon, bringing the spoils of their capture to the feet of the bloated Goblin King.

Games played in Goblin-town should have plenty of wooden walkways on the board with ample routes for models to leave the board via any edge should they need to.

CHASMS — Beneath the walkways of Goblin-town are pitch-black chasms. Those that stray from the relative safety of the wooden structures might fall into darkness, and will most likely perish in the gloom.

Any model that falls into the dark chasms, either by being pushed, failing a Leap test or any other reason, is slain — they have fallen into the depths of the mountains. Additionally, models removed from play in this way suffer a -1 penalty to their rolls on their relevant Injury chart.

RICKETY WALKWAYS — The walkways of Goblin-town are held together by crude workmanship and are not made to last or withstand battle. Any walkway section of Goblin-town that is bearing too much weight may collapse.

At the end of each Move phase, roll a D6 for each walkway that has 10 or more models on it (Cavalry models count as two, Monster models count as five). On the roll of a 1, the walkway has collapsed and all models upon it fall into the chasm below. Remove the walkway and all models upon it from play.


In the years gone by, the kingdoms of the Dwarves were renowned for their wealth and power. Yet as the ages rolled on, some began to fall into ruin, either attacked and overrun by Goblins and Orcs, or even taken by some form of darker power altogether. It was precisely this that saw the greatest kingdom of the Dwarves fall. The Dwarves of Khazad-dûm delved too greedily and too deep, awakening a Balrog of Morgoth and thus sealing their doom.

If a Battle Company needs to cross The Misty Mountains, and doesn't fancy passing too close to the threats posed by Goblin-town, they may risk the road through Khazad-dûm — or the black pit of Moria as it has hence become known. Although its halls may seen quiet and empty, traversing such a path is not without risks. Too much noise and commotion could wake whatever lies within the darkness — something that will no doubt happen if two rival Battle Companies meet within the realm of Moria.

CHASMS — Like Goblin-town, the halls of the Dwarves are built over a seemingly bottomless pit. Those that lose their footing and fall into the black pit are surely lost forever.

Any model that falls into the dark chasms, either by being pushed, failing a Leap test or any other reason, is slain — they have fallen into the depths of the mountains. Additionally, models removed from play in this way suffer a -1 penalty to their rolls on their relevant Injury chart.

THE SOUND OF BATTLE — As the two Battle Companies engage, the sound of their conflict echoes within the halls and tunnels of the mountain kingdom, drawing to them all manner of Evil from the mountain's depths.

At the start of the game, before deployment, place three markers on the board — one in the centre and the others exactly 12" from the centre towards each player's board edge. From turn 3 onwards, at the end of each turn, roll a D6. On a 4+, the Goblins of Moria have been drawn to the battle. Place a single Moria Goblin with shield in base contact with each marker. The Goblins will always move first in each Move phase, even before Heroic Moves, and will charge the nearest model from either Battle Company by the shortest possible route. If this is not possible, they will move as quickly as possible towards the nearest model from either Battle Company. Note that even if you are using a Moria Battle Company, these extra Goblins will still attack your Moria Goblins — they are clearly from a rival company!