Fall of the Necromancer
Although Sauron had been defeated by the Last Alliance of Men and Elves at the end of the Second Age, Isildur's refusal to destroy the Ring of Power allowed the Dark Lord's spirit to endure. For hundreds of years, Sauron waited within the darkness, slowly gathering his strength until he could return to Middle-earth.
Over a thousand years passed before Sauron returned, and he did so in secret to the southern region of the Greenwood, home to both Human woodsmen and the Silvan Elves. Unbeknownst to the Free Peoples of Middle-earth, Sauron's return shrouded the southern reaches of the forest and evil began to fester within the shadows; and at its heart, upon the hill of Amon Lanc, the servants of the Dark Lord built a fortress for their master to reside in.
Sauron could not risk the Elves discovering that he had returned incase they sent word to the Istari, and so he needed his fortress to remain a secret from the wider world until he was strong enough to oppose his enemies. The woodsmen who lived in the forest posed a threat to Sauron's plan and so the Dark Lord sought to remove them to ensure that they could not alert the Elves and he could remain undiscovered.
Gathering to his side a band of Orcs and other foul creatures, the Dark Lord Sauron himself ventured out into the Greenwood to rid it of the woodsmen. However, Sauron is still centuries away from reaching his former strength, and if the woodsmen can defeat the Dark Lord, he might never be able to regain a foothold in Middle-earth.
The Necromancer plans to build his fortress in secret, and so the Woodsmen must be removed from Amon Lanc to ensure that the Dark Lord's plan goes undiscovered.
The Evil player wins if at the end of any turn all the Woodsmen have been slain. The Good player wins immediately if the Necromancer is slain.
The Dark Lord -- Though he possesses great power, Sauron still needs to regain much of the strength he once had.
The Necromancer begins the game with only 12 points of Will.
The Sense of Dread -- Though the woodsmen do not know the full extent of the terror attacking them, they rightfully fear it and all those that follow this shadow into battle.
All Evil models have the Terror special rule in this Scenario.
The board represents the area around Amon Lanc.
It should be densely covered with trees, rocky outcrops, hedges and other undergrowth. Place a Woodsman's hut in the centre of the board.
The Good player deploys their force anywhere within 3" of the Woodsman's hut. The Evil player then deploys their force anywhere on the board at least 12" from any Good model.
Good: Woodsmen Chieftain with shield;
12 Woodsmen: 4 with shield, 4 with throwing spear and shield, 4 with bow.
Note: The Woodsmen Chieftain uses the same profile as a Captain of Rohan, the Woodsmen use the same profile as a Warrior of Rohan.
Evil: The Necromancer of Dol Guldur; 12 Orc Warriors: 4 with shield, 4 with spear, 2 with two-handed weapon, 2 with Orc bow.
Years after the foundation of Dol Guldur, darkness spreads out across the Greenwood drawing more evil to the forest. The creatures that live within the trees are becoming bolder, attacking those that wander the Elven paths. Orcs are taking up residence within the southern fortress and have been sighted cutting down trees and raiding villages on the edges of the Greenwood.
Although brought to the attention of the Elvenking of the Woodland Realm, he seems unconcerned with the goings-on outside of his own borders. However, he knows that the Orcs will not ignore his lands for long, and so in a bid to discover what could be drawing these creatures to the southern reaches of the forest, the Elvenking sends a band of Rangers to scout out those regions and report back.
After searching the forest for many weeks, the Elves discover the imposing fortress of Dol Guldur built upon the hill of Amon Lanc. Recognising the greater need of making the Elvenking aware of their discovery rather than risking the death of them all by investigating this malevolent place further, the small band of Mirkwood Rangers head back northwards in order to report their findings to their king.
However, the Dark Lord has already spied the Elven scouting party and he cannot let it return to the Woodland Realm.
Soon the Elves find themselves surrounded by darkness and hear the howls of Orcs coming from deep within the gloom. They must now escape northwards or find themselves at the mercy of the evil that now hunts them.
Sauron must see that the Elves are killed or risk alerting the Elvenking to the location of his fortress.
The Good side wins if any four Good models can escape the board via the northern board edge. The Evil player wins if they can slay all of the Elves. If at least one but fewer than four Elves escape the board, then the game is a draw.
The Dark Lord -- Though he possesses great power, Sauron still needs to regain much of the strength he once had.
The Necromancer begins the game with only 12 points of Will.
The Darkness Descends -- Shrouded by some malevolent power, the light fades from the surrounding forest, making it all but impossible for the Elves to see what is hidden in the gloom.
The board represents an area of the Greenwood forest near the fortress of Dol Guldur. It should be densely packed with trees, bushes and other undergrowth to provide plenty of cover for both sides.
The Good player deploys their force within 6" of the centre of the southern board edge. The Evil player then deploys the Necromancer in the centre of the board. The Orcs are deployed anywhere in the northern half of the board.
Good models can only see up to 6" in this Scenario. Therefore they cannot shoot enemy models that are more than 6" away from them. Sauron and his Orcs are accustomed to the darkness and can therefore see as normal.
Good: Mirkwood Ranger Captain; 10 Mirkwood Rangers.
Evil: The Necromancer of Dol Guldur; 12 Orc Warriors: 4 with shield, 4 with spear, 2 with two-handed weapon, 2 with Orc bow.
As the Dark Lord's power grows within Dol Guldur, increasing numbers of Orcs and other foul creatures are drawn to his evil. Spiders now lurk within the boughs, ever in search of prey that may have strayed too far from the Elven paths. Packs of Wargs hunt the forest looking for their next meal, and colonies of bats swarm overhead, blotting out the sunlight that would usually filter down to the forest floor.
The increase in these foul creatures has not gone unnoticed by the Elves, and the urgency of the situation becomes ever more apparent when some of their patrols fail to return. To discover what they are faced with, the Elvenking Thranduil sends a larger band of his most trusted Rangers into the forest to track down the reason why these creatures are on the increase.
The further south the Elves travel, the more they find that the forest paths they once safely roamed are near-impassable. Thick sticky webs hang from trees that were once green and full of life, but now are stricken with malaise. Many of the creatures that were once commonplace have deserted the woodland -- either of their accord or because of a more sinister reason.
Soon the Elves become aware that they are not alone. From the shadows of the forest, those drawn by Sauron's power sense that fresh meat has wandered into their lair. As they ready to fight for their lives, the Elves now know for certain that whatever is sickening the forest lies to the south of their once verdant realm. No longer is this Greenwood the Great, instead it will become known by a new name...
The Elves must protect this area of the forest from succumbing to the corruption that is befalling the Greenwood; otherwise it will no longer be a safe place to travel.
The game lasts for 10 turns. The Good player wins if two or fewer of the objectives are corrupted at the end of the game. The Evil player wins if three or more objectives are corrupted at the end of the game.
Corrupting Objectives -- The fell creatures of the forest have set about corrupting the Greenwood, either through poisoning its trees, shrouding them in webs, or simply spilling Elvish blood across the forest floor.
If, during the End phase of any turn, there is a non-Prone Evil model in base contact with an objective marker, and that model did not shoot or fight during that turn, then that objective has been corrupted.
The board represents an area of the Greenwood. It should be densely packed with trees, bushes and other undergrowth. There should be five objectives on the board. Three are placed equidistantly across the centre line of the board from west to east. The other two are placed in the centre of each of the north-west and north-east quarters of the board as shown.
The Good player deploys their force within 12" of
the northern board edge. The Evil player then deploys their force within 12" of the southern board edge.
Save the Greenwood -- The Elves will fight to save the Greenwood from corruption, and to rid the forest of the foul creatures that stalk its paths.
If, during the End phase of any turn, there is a non-Prone Good model in base contact with a corrupted objective marker, and that model did not shoot or fight during that turn, then that objective is no longer considered to be corrupted.
Good: 2 Mirkwood Ranger Captains;
20 Mirkwood Rangers.
Evil: 4 Castellans of Dol Guldur; 6 Giant Spiders; 6 Mirkwood Spiders; 6 Fell Wargs; 2 Bat Swarms.
As the years have passed, Mirkwood has increasingly become a place of fear and evil. The forest has grown into a dark and twisted version of the grandeur it once possessed, becoming a home for evil to dwell in undisturbed. Huge webs have become a common sight in the southern reaches of Mirkwood, and the Elves have learned to stay away from them if they value their lives.
Tales of a great, evil creature within southern Mirkwood begin to emerge as the years of the Third Age pass. Some say that a huge and bloated spider has taken up residence just south of the Narrows of the Forest, and that any who stray into its lair are never heard of again.
Whilst some dismiss such tales as mere fantasy, in truth they are far closer to reality than anyone had feared. For it was not simply a bloated giant spider akin to the others that roamed the forest, instead this creature became known as the Spider Queen; a spawn of Ungoliant who had made the southern reaches of Mirkwood her home following the coming of Sauron.
The exact location of the lair of the Spider Queen remains unknown, but it is thought to lie within the south-eastern region of Mirkwood. Though many bands of Rangers have been sent out to find this lair and rid it of the creature that supposedly dwells within, they either return having been unable to find any sign of the Spider Queen, or simply do not return at all...
This band of Elves has strayed into the Spider Queen's lair and must kill her if they are to have any chance of escaping.
The game lasts until one force has completed their objective. The Good force wins if they can kill the Spider Queen. The Evil force wins if all the Elves are slain before this can happen.
Spider Nests -- The nests in the forest are home to the Spider Queen's offspring, and more will constantly come to her aid.
Good models treat Spider Nests as difficult terrain.
Additionally, whenever a Spider model is slain, with the exception of the Spider Queen, keep it to one side. At the start of each turn, before Priority is determined, roll a D6 for each Spider model kept aside in this manner. On a 5+, that model will re-enter the board via one of the Spider Nests. To determine where they enter from, roll a further D6.
On a 1-3, the Good player chooses which Spider Nest the model enters from; on a 4+, the Evil player decides. Models
The board represents the densely-wooded area of Mirkwood where the Spider Queen's lair is found. As such, there should
that arrive in this manner are placed anywhere within or touching the Spider Nest and may act as normal that turn.
be plenty of trees, bushes and undergrowth dotted around. Four Spider Nests, no more than 6" in diameter should be placed on the board, one in the centre of each 2'x2' area. In the centre of the eastern board edge is the entrance to the Spider Queen's lair, which is built into a rocky outcrop.
The Good player deploys their force within 6" of the centre of the board. The Evil player deploys the Spider Queen,
Swarm of Spiders -- The writhing mass of broodlings on the back of the Spider Queen makes it hard to hit her from range, and the chances of piercing her hide are slim.
Shooting attacks that target the Spider Queen suffer a -1 penalty when rolling To Hit. Additionally, shooting attacks will only Wound the Spider Queen on the roll of a natural 6.
4 Mirkwood Spiders, 4 Giant Spiders and the Bat Swarms within 12" of the entrance to the Spider Queen's Lair. They then place one Spider in each of the Spider Nests.
Good: 2 Mirkwood Ranger Captains;
20 Mirkwood Rangers.
Evil: The Spider Queen; 6 Giant Spiders; 6 Mirkwood Spiders; 2 Bat Swarms.
Since the coming of Sauron to Dol Guldur, the Greenwood has become a place of fear and darkness; corrupted by the influence of the Necromancer and known by the new name of Mirkwood. Yet the shadow that has grown over this once verdant forest has not gone unnoticed by the wise in Middle-earth, and they begin to fear that an ancient evil may have returned.
Knowing that it would take something of great power and evil to corrupt the Greenwood, and fearing that it may be the Dark Lord Sauron, Gandalf discovers the fortress of Dol Guldur hidden in Mirkwood. Alone but determined to confirm if the rumours he has learned of are true, he ventures into the formidable structure. If it
transpires that the evil is in fact Sauron returned to Middle-earth, as the wise fear it may be, then Gandalf will report back his findings before the Elves march upon Dol Guldur in an attempt to defeat Sauron once more.
As Gandalf travels south, Sauron's spies have informed the Dark Lord of the Grey Wizard's approach. However, Sauron is not yet ready to reveal himself, knowing that he is not powerful enough to face the Elves should they make an assault upon Dol Guldur. To keep his return to Middle-earth secret, Sauron decides to flee into the east so that Gandalf does not discover the truth; though if the Wizard learns of the Necromancer's true identity, then Sauron's plans to dominate Middle-earth may well be undone.
The board represents the fortress of Dol Guldur. It should be covered with walls, ruins and other such terrain, providing plenty of cover across the board.
The Evil player deploys six 40mm bases anywhere touching the western board edge; these represent the places the Necromancer could be (see the Shadow of the Necromancer special rule that follows). They then deploy the Castellans of Dol Guldur anywhere within 12" of the western board edge. The Good player then deploys Gandalf within 6" of the centre of the eastern board edge.
Gandalf is trying to discover the truth about who, or what, is casting the shadow over Mirkwood. Sauron cannot risk being discovered and so is trying to evade Gandalf and escape into the east.
The game lasts until one side completes their objective.
The Good side wins if the Necromancer has been revealed and Gandalf escapes the board via any board edge. The Evil player wins if the Necromancer has not been revealed when he escapes the board via the eastern board edge. Any other result is a draw.
Shadow of the Necromancer -- The Necromancer cannot risk Gandalf learning of his identity, and so must remain hidden if he is to escape.
The Necromancer is not deployed at the start of the game. Instead, six 40mm bases are deployed touching the western board edge, each representing a place where the Necromancer could be. One of these bases is the Necromancer, and the Evil player should note down which one is Sauron; either by marking one underneath, or numbering all the bases and making a note of which numbered base is the Necromancer. These move in the same way as the Necromancer, and the Evil player will win if the base representing the Necromancer escapes the board via the eastern board edge.
Revealing the Necromancer -- Though he is hidden, the Necromancer still risks his identity being uncovered by the Grey Wizard.
If, at the end of any Good Move phase, Gandalf is within 6" of a 40mm base and can draw an unobscured Line of Sight to all parts of that base, then the Evil player must reveal if the base was a decoy or, in fact, the Necromancer himself. Additionally, if the Necromancer casts any Magical Powers then he will automatically be revealed.
The Cost of Deception -- Sustaining his disguise is a draining process, one that takes its toll upon the Dark Lord.
The Necromancer loses a point of Will at the end of each Move phase in which he has not yet been revealed.
The Grey Pilgrim -- Gandalf is a formidable warrior and has prepared himself for any threat that may lurk within the fortress of Dol Guldur.
Gandalf has 2 Attacks in this Scenario.
Good: Gandalf the Grey.
Evil: The Necromancer of Dol Guldur;
4 Castellans of Dol Guldur.
With Sauron having fled into the east, his influence over the forest of Mirkwood faded in the years following his absence. Dol Guldur fell into ruin and the Orcs and creatures that had become commonplace within the forest slunk back into the shadows, enabling those who sought to traverse the paths of Mirkwood to do so once again. This time became known as the Watchful Peace.
Towards the latter decades of the Third Age, these patrols were often led by Legolas Greenleaf, the son of Thranduil, and it was during this time that Legolas would develop exceptional skills with both blade and bow. Yet even during the Watchful Peace, occasionally a mob of Orcs would grow confident and daring and would come forth from whatever lair they had been hiding in to attack the Mirkwood patrols.
Even in this time of relative calm, Thranduil was wary of the threat of the beasts that still dwelt within the shadowed reaches of the forest. The Elvenking commanded that bands of his Rangers would patrol the paths of Mirkwood to help ensure that the forest was cleared of any Orcs or foul creatures that remained, and to bring word of anything that might suggest the return of whatever had resided in Dol Guldur.
The board represents an area of the forest of Mirkwood.
As such, the board should be densely packed with trees, bushes and other undergrowth to help give the impression of the twisted and overgrown place that Mirkwood has become.
The Elves have come across a band of Orcs and must kill enough of them to force the Orcs to turn tail and flee.
The game lasts until the end of a turn in which one side has completed their objective. The Good side wins if they can reduce the Evil side to 25% of their starting numbers (i.e., six models remaining). The Evil side wins if they can reduce the Good side to 25% of their starting number (i.e., three models remaining).
The Prince of Mirkwood -- Although he may not know it, Legolas will have an important role to play in the coming years. Should he fall here, the fate of Middle-earth may be bleak.
If Legolas is slain, then the game ends immediately and the Evil side wins.
Silent Hunters -- The Rangers of Mirkwood are masters of stealth and can unleash a deadly hail of arrows from within the cover of the trees.
Good models may re-roll failed To Hit rolls when making shooting attacks if they did not move during the preceding Move phase.
The Good player deploys their models within 12" of the northern board edge. The Evil player then deploys their models within 24" of the southern board edge.
Good: Legolas Greenleaf, Prince of Mirkwood; Mirkwood Ranger Captain; 10 Mirkwood Rangers.
Evil: 2 Orc Captains with shield; 24 Orc Warriors:
8 with shield, 8 with spear, 4 with two-handed weapon, 4 with Orc bow.
Unknown to the Elves of Mirkwood, the Necromancer has returned to his domain of Dol Guldur in southern Mirkwood, and with the Dark Lord's coming the fell creatures of the forest have once more begun to creep further from the shadows. Giant cobwebs have become a much more common sight, and with each passing year the spiders that spun them venture further northwards, towards the Woodland Realm.
To protect his kingdom from the spiders of the forest, Thranduil has ordered his Rangers to rid Mirkwood of the nests where these foul creatures make their homes. By destroying their nests, Thranduil hopes to drive these fell beings back southwards and away from his lands, though the shadow over Mirkwood has returned once more, and the spiders have grown bolder and more likely to attack their prey on sight.
However, clearing the spider nests is a formidable task.
The creatures will attack with bestial ferocity in order to protect their homes, causing the Rangers of Mirkwood to fight their way through in order to destroy the nests that threaten the Woodland Realm. Doing so is dangerous and, should the Rangers fail in their task, many Elves will likely become a meal for the malevolent spiders of Mirkwood.
The Mirkwood Rangers have set out to destroy one of the larger Spider Nests, though its inhabitants will fiercely protect it.
The game lasts until one side has completed its objective.
The Good side wins if the Spider Nest is destroyed. The Evil side wins if the Good side is wiped out.
The Spider Nest -- In order to destroy the large nest, the Elves must get close enough to set it on fire.
Good models may Charge the Spider Nest during the Move phase, and may attack it during the Fight phase provided they are not in base contact with any enemy models. Good models do not need to make a Duel roll against the Spider Nest; they will automatically win and may simply strike blows.
The Spider Nest has 3 Wounds and will only ever be wounded on the roll of a natural 6.
The board represents an area of Mirkwood where there is a large Spider Nest. In the centre of the board there should be the Spider Nest -- which has a diameter of 3". The rest of the board should be densely packed with trees, bushes and other undergrowth.
The Evil player deploys the Mirkwood Spiders within 3" of the Spider Nest. They then deploy three Giant Spiders within 3" of the centre of the eastern board edge, and the other three Giant Spiders within 3" of the centre of the western board
More where they came from -- The nests in the forest are home to countless spiders, and more will inevitably appear as the battle rages on.
Whenever a Spider model is slain, keep it to one side. At the start of each turn, before Priority is determined, roll a D6 for each Spider model kept aside in this way. On a 5+ the Evil player may place that Spider model within 6" of the Spider Nest, but not within the Control Zones of enemy models. Models that arrive in this manner are placed anywhere within or touching the Spider Nest and may act as normal that turn.
edge. The Good player deploys their models within 6" of the centre of the northern board edge.
Good: Legolas Greenleaf, Prince of Mirkwood; Tauriel;
10 Mirkwood Rangers.
Evil: 6 Mirkwood Spiders; 6 Giant Spiders.
To the west of the forest of Mirkwood lies the dwelling of Rhosgobel, the home of Radagast the Brown, one of the wandering Istari. Unlike the other Wizards in Middle- earth, Radagast does not concern himself with the goings- on of the wider world; instead, he generally minds his own business and tends to the creatures and plants of the forest.
The encroaching darkness within the forest had not gone unnoticed by Radagast, though he had not yet seen fit to investigate its cause. However, in the latter years of the Third Age, upon returning from one of his many wanderings, Radagast discovers that it is more than just a darkness that had descended on the forest. A sickness was lingering over Mirkwood and the trees and creatures were beginning to die, poisoned by an unknown dark power.
None, not even Radagast's faithful hedgehog Sebastian, are immune to the sickly magics that had begun to infect them, and many creatures succumbed to this mysterious illness even as Radagast tries to save them. Those that still cling to life are close to the end of their strength, and Radagast knows that he must do everything in his power to save the creatures from harm.
Yet even as Radagast works, foul creatures spawned within the bowels of the forest hungrily stalk his every move. Sent northwards from Dol Guldur, giant spiders, the likes of which few have seen before, have come looking to prey upon the unwary Wizard. It will take every ounce of Radagast's power to drive the creatures from Rhosgobel and rid his homestead of the dark magics that are infecting it.
Radagast is trying to rescue the creatures of the forest from the dark magic that is poisoning them, whilst the Spiders are hunting the Brown Wizard as their latest prey.
The game lasts until one side has completed their objective.
The Good player wins if they can rescue all of the creatures within Rhosgobel and have Radagast enter his house by moving into it via the front door. The Evil player wins if Radagast is slain.
Rescuing Creatures -- A dark and powerful magic has descended upon Rhosgobel, rendering many of the creatures helpless and in need of immediate healing.
The six objective markers represent the woodland creatures in need of rescue. Radagast may save a creature by ending his move in base contact with a marker so long as he is not engaged in combat. When a creature has been successfully rescued, remove the marker from play.
The board represents Radagast's home of Rhosgobel. In the centre of the board is Radagast's house, built into a large tree trunk that has a diameter of 3" and a door in one side. The rest of the board should be dotted with trees, hedges and other such undergrowth. There should be six objective markers positioned as shown on the map, each representing a creature that needs rescuing.
The Good player deploys Radagast touching the door to his house. The Evil player deploys the four Mirkwood Spiders so that each one is touching the centre of a different board edge.
Radagast's Determination -- Such is Radagast's devotion to the forest and its creatures that he will keep defending them to the very last.
Whenever Radagast rescues a creature, he may restore one Fate point spent earlier in the battle.
Good: Radagast the Brown.
Evil: 4 Mirkwood Spiders.
Having repelled the spiders that had invaded his homestead, Radagast begins to wonder where such foul creatures have come from. Learning that they have been spawning in the areas around the old fortress of Dol Guldur, he sets out to investigate its ruins for the source of the dark magic that has set the creatures loose.
Radagast suspects that whatever the power that lies within Dol Guldur is, it will not take kindly to intruders into its domain. Even as he enters the crumbling walls of the long forgotten stronghold, Radagast feels the air chill around him, and he senses that he is not alone.
Knowing that something truly terrible must be lurking within Dol Guldur, Radagast tries to locate something that will act as evidence of a more sinister plot. His hope is to use whatever he can find to convince the White Council to act and drive the evil away. But even as Radagast searches the ruins, the spirit of Angmar waits in the shadows; biding its time and preparing to strike...
The board represents the old fortress of Dol Guldur. It should be scattered with broken walls, crumbling stairways and piles of rubble, creating a varied battlefield. In the centre of the southern board edge is the entrance to Dol Guldur. On the board there should be six statues, placed as shown on the map. These are the possible locations of the evidence that Radagast is searching for and should be numbered from 1 to 6.
The Good player deploys Radagast in base contact with the entrance to Dol Guldur. The Evil player does not deploy the Witch-king initially; he will appear as the game progresses. The Good player automatically has Priority each turn until the Witch-king is revealed.
Radagast must try to locate substantive evidence that something evil dwells within Dol Guldur, retrieve it and then escape from the fortress.
The game continues until one player has completed their objective. The Good player wins if Radagast can find the evidence and then escape the board via the entrance to Dol Guldur. The Evil player wins if Radagast is slain.
Investigating Statues -- Old and sinister-looking, the statues that adorn the inside of Dol Guldur may hold the information that Radagast needs.
If Radagast ends his movement in base contact with a statue, he may investigate it. Roll a D6 -- on a 1-5, it is just a statue and nothing happens. On a 6, Radagast locates the evidence he needs -- this is a Light Object. Each statue can only be investigated once.
The Witch-king -- The Dark Lord's most trusted servant, the Witch-king, lurks within one of the statues, waiting to strike.
At the start of the game, the Evil player secretly rolls a D6 and notes the result down, making sure the Good player cannot see it. This is the statue that the Witch-king is hidden within.
If Radagast attempts to investigate the statue that the Witch-king is in, the Evil player immediately places the Witch-king in base contact with Radagast. From this point on, Radagast no longer needs to locate the evidence (the ghostly creature in front of him is proof enough!). Instead, if Radagast slays the Witch-king, he immediately gains possession of the evidence.
If Radagast uncovers the evidence before the Witch-king is revealed, the Evil player may place the Witch-king anywhere on the board within 3" of the statue he was hiding inside, but at least 1" away from Radagast. The Witch-king may then move as normal.
In this Scenario, the Witch-king does not benefit from his Unholy Resurrection special rule. Instead, if the Witch-king is slain, the Evil player may immediately place the Witch-king in base contact with any statue, and at least 1" from Radagast. Any Might or Will previously spent remains spent.
The Will of the Necromancer -- Something evil dwells within Dol Guldur; a force that seems to lessen Radagast's magical abilities.
Radagast suffers a -1 penalty when making a Casting roll. Additionally, the Witch-king of Angmar gains the Resistant to Magic special rule.
Good: Radagast the Brown with Sebastian.
Evil: The Witch-king of Angmar, Nazgûl of Dol Guldur.
Having found evidence in the High Fells that Sauron may indeed have returned to Middle-earth, Gandalf and Radagast have come to the outskirts of Dol Guldur in an attempt to discover the truth about the evil that lies within. Radagast fears that the Istari might be about to walk into a trap; something that Gandalf agrees is likely to be the case.
Sending Radagast to take word to Saruman and the rest of the White Council, Gandalf pushes on into the gloom of the desolate fortress. As he searches through the ruins, Gandalf senses that there may be some form of dark and sinister enchantment concealing whatever evil lurks within this place; and from deep within the shadows notices the faint sound of something stealthily following his tracks.
Leaping from the shadows, a small and ragged figure suddenly attacks Gandalf from above, sending the Wizard sprawling to the ground before darting back into the darkness. Unsure of what has just ambushed him, Gandalf warily carries on in his search for the source of the dark magics festering within the fortress; though he is now far more cautious in order to avoid being set upon again.
Gandalf must navigate the twisted labyrinth of the dungeons of Dol Guldur in order to break the enchantments of concealment. However, as he moves through passageways and corridors, the wandering Istari must also avoid a small number of Orc sentries so he can remain undetected; meanwhile, lurking somewhere in the dark is the ragged creature who may be more important than Gandalf realises...
The board represents the dungeons of Dol Guldur. It should consist of a series of tunnels, corridors and passageways forming a twisting labyrinth where each tunnel interlinks with each other; see the map for an example for how this may look. There should be five objectives placed around the board. One in the centre of the board, and the others should be positioned so that each is approximately 6" from a different corner of the board.
The Good player places Gandalf touching the centre of the northern board edge. The Evil player places Thráin the Broken within 1" of the central objective. They then place one Hunter Orc within 1" of each of the objectives.
Gandalf must break the spell of concealment that lies upon Dol Guldur and then restore the mind of Thráin. Those who dwell within the fortress seek to slay the Grey Wizard.
The game lasts until one player completes their objective.
The Good player wins if they can disarm each objective first and then subdue Thráin. The Evil player wins if Gandalf is slain.
Sentries -- The Hunter Orcs have become aware of the Grey Wizard trespassing within Dol Guldur, but are not sure of his exact location.
The Hunter Orcs begin the game as Sentries, as described in the main rules manual.
A Spell of Concealment -- Gandalf is traversing the dungeons seeking to break the spell that lies over Dol Guldur.
Gandalf must disarm the spells that linger over the five objectives. To disarm an objective, Gandalf must be within 1" of the objective and successfully cast the Command Magical Power upon it.
The Wizard has come -- Gandalf has woven an intricate web of spells to protect him from whatever he may face within Dol Guldur.
Gandalf causes Terror in this Scenario.
Grip of Madness -- Thráin's mind has been shattered and he will ceaselessly hunt down the Grey Wizard.
Thráin is not subject to his Shattered Spirit rule in this Scenario, instead he is simply treated as an Evil model.
Subduing Thráin -- Once the spells over Dol Guldur are broken, Gandalf can turn his attention towards helping Thráin.
Gandalf may not strike blows against Thráin if he wins a fight against him. This restriction ends when all five objectives have been disarmed, in which case Gandalf will not actually slay Thráin; rather simply break the madness that has taken hold of him.
Quietly in the Darkness -- Gandalf is keen to avoid detection, and will not risk using any magics that would draw too much attention to his current location.
Gandalf may not use the Sorcerous Blast or Collapse Rocks Magical Powers in this Scenario.
Good: Gandalf the Grey.
Evil: Thráin the Broken; 5 Hunter Orcs.
Designer's Note: This Scenario was originally created as a fan-made Scenario by Damian O'Byrne and Tom Harrison when the extended edition of The Hobbit™: The Battle of Five Armies came out. They have kindly allowed us to make some small tweaks to update the Scenario and publish it within this supplement.
Having freed Thráin's mind and restored his wits to him, Gandalf continues his search for the evil that lurks within the depths of Dol Guldur. As Gandalf and Thráin venture further into the seemingly-deserted fortress, they begin to sense they are not alone within its crumbling walls, and that the evil within is far greater than Gandalf had ever anticipated.
However, as Gandalf and Thráin continue to scour the fortress, they can find no sign of an evil presence in Dol Guldur, and Gandalf concludes that whatever dwells there is being shielded from view by some form of dark magic. In an effort to uncover what is hidden, Gandalf uses his powers to command those within the fortress to show themselves; though, even Gandalf could not have expected the magnitude of the danger that he has placed Thráin and himself in.
From out of the shadows races Azog the Defiler, charging at the Grey Wizard and sending him flying with a swift strike from his mace. With the concealing magic over Dol Guldur broken, Gandalf realises that the fortress is the lair of a legion of Orcs that are ready to bring war down upon the Lonely Mountain; though there is little Thráin and he can do to stop them marching to battle.
With a flash of blinding light, Gandalf manages to temporarily escape from the clutches of Azog. However, the Pale Orc and his minions give chase to the Wizard and Dwarf. Gandalf knows that he must escape Dol Guldur in order to warn Thorin of the danger he and his companions are in, though doing so will be easier said than done as the real evil of Dol Guldur is beginning to manifest and plans to capture the Grey Wizard...
The board represents the ruins of Dol Guldur. It should be covered in crumbling ruins, with as many stairways and walkways as you can muster. The area within 6" of the western edge of the board is a chasm, and there should be a 3" wide bridge spanning it to give Gandalf and Thráin a means of escape.
The Good player deploys Gandalf and Thráin in base contact with each other anywhere within 12" of the eastern board edge. The Evil player then deploys Azog and four Hunter Orcs anywhere within 6" of the eastern board edge. The remaining Evil models will become available as the game goes on.
Gandalf and Thráin must escape from Dol Guldur, though the powers within are trying to ensure they are unable to leave the confines of the fortress.
The game lasts until one player completes their objective.
The Good player wins if both Gandalf and Thráin escape the board via the western board edge. The Evil player wins immediately if Gandalf is slain. In the event that Gandalf escapes the board but Thráin is slain, the game is a draw.
A Flash of Light -- As Azog and his Orcs close in on Gandalf and Thráin, the Wizard unleashes a great flash of light providing him and his friend with a chance of escape.
The General of Dol Guldur -- Whilst Azog would like to personally capture the Grey Wizard, his particular skills are needed elsewhere.
If Azog moves off the board, then the Evil player will instead bring the Necromancer into play on any 2D6 roll of a 7+ rather than a 12.
The Legions of Dol Guldur -- At Azog's bellowed command, the Orcs and Wargs within the fortress swarm into battle.
At the end of each Evil Move phase, the Evil player rolls 2D6 and consults the chart below to see what reinforcements enter that turn. Models that enter the board in this way may do so from any point on the northern, southern or eastern board edges via the rules for Reinforcements. The only exception is the Necromancer who, when he arrives, may be placed anywhere on the board at least 3" away from Gandalf or Thráin. The Necromancer may not move any further that turn after he has arrived.
Should your roll on the chart cause you to exceed the number of models you have remaining to enter the board, instead treat the result as a 12. Once the Necromancer has entered the battlefield, do not make any further rolls on the chart.
2D6 Reinforcements
2 No reinforcements this turn
3-6 D3 Hunter Orcs
7-9 1 Hunter Orc on Fell Warg
10-11 D3 Hunter Orcs on Fell Wargs
12 The Necromancer of Dol Guldur
Good: Gandalf the Grey; Thráin the Broken.
Evil: The Necromancer of Dol Guldur; Azog; 6 Hunter Orcs on Fell Wargs; 12 Hunter Orcs.
Designer's Notes: Winning this Scenario is very hard for the Good side -- but not impossible. Gandalf can likely escape if he forsakes Thráin, but that would be quite uncharacteristic of the Grey Wizard!
During the first turn of the game, all Evil models are treated as being under the effect of the Immobilise Magical Power.
Bring the Bridge Crashing Down -- Gandalf may be fleeing for his life, but he is far from defeated.
During the Move phase, if Gandalf is on the bridge he may attempt to smite it. Roll a D6 -- on a 4+, Gandalf has blasted a section out from the bridge. Mark the bridge to show a 1" wide chasm spanning the bridge directly behind Gandalf's base.
Models wishing to pass the chasm will need to pass a Jump test.
With Gandalf having gone into Dol Guldur alone, Radagast has raced to seek assistance from Galadriel and the rest of the White Council in order to
force the hand of whatever evil lies within. Wasting little time, Radagast delivers Gandalf's message to Galadriel, Elrond and Saruman at Rivendell, spurring them to move against the darkness within Dol Guldur. With his message delivered, and the White Council having agreed to go to Dol Guldur, Radagast returns to Rhosgobel to prepare to face the threat of the Necromancer.
Riding upon his sleigh, Radagast makes haste towards the old fortress. However, the forest is still filled with dangers and the spiders of Mirkwood stand between Radagast and the Hill of Sorcery. With Gandalf in peril, Radagast must make good time through the forest if he is to reach his friend before he perishes. The giant spiders, drawn to the evil of the Necromancer, have spied the Brown Wizard and seek to feast upon him. If Radagast is slowed down too much, then it may be too late to save Gandalf from a terrible fate...
• Spider Nest
Spider Nest
Spider Nest
Spider Nest
Evil: 6 Mirkwood Spiders; 6 Giant Spiders
The Good player deploys Radagast touching the centre of the northern board edge. The Evil player then deploys three Spider models within 3" of each of the Spider Nests.
Good: Radagast the Brown on Sleigh
Whilst riding his Sleigh, whenever Radagast charges into combat, the Sleigh will inflict two Strength 3 hits upon one model it has charged. If, after this charge, Radagast is unengaged and has movement remaining, he may complete his move in any way the Good player wishes, and may even charge again if able.
The board represents the forest of Mirkwood. It should be densely packed with trees, bushes and other undergrowth, however, the gaps between these should be wide enough for Radagast's Sleigh to manoeuvre through. Four Spider Nests are then placed as shown on the map.
Radagast must evade the Spiders in order to reach Dol Guldur; though the bloated, foul creatures seek to feast upon the Wizard.
The game lasts until one side completes their objective.
The Good side wins if Radagast can escape the board via the southern board edge. The Evil player wins if Radagast is slain.
Spider Nests -- The nests in the forest are home to bloodthirsty spiders, and more will come if they sense a meal may have wandered within reach.
Good models treat Spider Nests as difficult terrain. Additionally, whenever a Spider model is slain, keep it to one side. At the start of each turn, before Priority is determined, roll a D6 for each Spider model kept aside in this manner.
On a 5+, that model will re-enter the board via one of the Spider Nests. To determine where they enter, roll a further D6. On a 1-3, the Good player chooses which Spider Nest the model enters from; on a 4+, the Evil player decides. Models that arrive in this manner are placed anywhere within or touching the Spider Nest and may act as normal that turn.
These are Rhosgobel Rabbits -- In his bid to reach Gandalf in time, Radagast is driving his sleigh so fast that anything which gets in the way may well be run over.
Having ventured into the dark, ruined walls of Dol Guldur, Gandalf has uncovered the truth as to what dwells within. Lurking deep inside the seemingly abandoned fortress is none other than Sauron, the enemy of the Free Peoples of Middle-earth. Upon confronting this terrifying foe, Gandalf has been captured and is now at the mercy of the monstrous Keeper of the Dungeons, who relishes the opportunity to torture and maim his captive.
Yet help is at hand, for Radagast the Brown has been true to his word and has brought news of Gandalf's predicament to the Lady Galadriel -- perhaps the one being in all of Middle-earth that Sauron fears. The Lady of Light races to Dol Guldur to rescue Gandalf from the terrible fate that awaits him, and she does not come alone.
The remaining members of the White Council also join their lady in the fight against this ancient foe now returned. The White Wizard Saruman uses his mastery of magical power and unrivalled knowledge of the enemy to combat the servants of the Dark Lord.
Elrond, the Master of Rivendell, draws his blade and heads into the swirling melee of steel and ghostly weaponry; his sword clashing with those of the enemy in a desperate battle of speed and martial prowess.
Even the absent-minded Radagast assists the council by providing Gandalf with a means to escape on his rabbit-led sleigh. However, it will take every ounce of power and skill this collection of mighty beings possesses to defeat the darkness and stop Sauron from returning to Middle-earth...
The board represents one of the many courtyards within Dol Guldur. Broken rubble, partly-fallen statues and stairways should be scattered across the battlefield.
The Good player deploys Gandalf in the centre of the board.
The Evil player then deploys the Keeper of the Dungeons within 3" of Gandalf. The Good player then deploys Galadriel touching any board edge. All other models are kept to one side until later in the game.
The White Council is trying to save Gandalf from the clutches of the Necromancer, whilst also banishing Sauron from Dol Guldur. Sauron's mission is simple, namely to slay the White Council and thus remove the major threat to his rise to power.
The Good player wins immediately if Gandalf is rescued by having him move off of any board edge and the Necromancer has been banished, whilst the Evil player wins if they can slay any three members of the White Council. Any other result is a draw.
A Wizard lies Dying -- Gandalf lies upon the stone floor of Dol Guldur, having been battered by the magics of the Necromancer and tortured at the hands of the Keeper of the Dungeons.
Gandalf starts the game with no Might or Will, no Staff of Power, and under the effects of the Paralyse Magical Power.
Friendly models may carry Gandalf, in which case he counts as a Heavy Object.
"I will Destroy You!" -- In order to save Gandalf from the barbaric Keeper of the Dungeons, Galadriel can unleash her devastating power upon the Orc.
Galadriel can target the Keeper of the Dungeons with the Banish Magical Power as if it were a Spirit model.
"Nine for Mortal Men, Doomed to Die..." -- Summoned by the Necromancer, the Nazgûl of Dol Guldur have been tasked with slaying the members of the White Council.
As soon as the Keeper of the Dungeons is slain, place all nine Nazgûl of Dol Guldur on the board at least 6" away from any Good model.
"Are you in need of Assistance?" -- Galadriel has not come to rescue Gandalf alone; Saruman and Elrond have also arrived at Dol Guldur.
The Good player may choose to have Saruman and Elrond enter the board at the end of any Good Move phase after the first turn. In the turn they arrive, Saruman and Elrond may use up to two Magical Powers. These may even be the same Magical Power twice if you prefer.
Radagast to the Rescue -- Upon his sleigh, Radagast is tasked with carrying Gandalf to safety.
The Good player may choose to have Radagast arrive at the end of any Good Move phase after Saruman and Elrond have arrived. Gandalf may be loaded onto Radagast's Sleigh, at which point he counts as a passenger.
Sauron's Return -- Though it was believed that he was unable to return to Middle-earth, Sauron has in fact been growing in power in the depths of Dol Guldur, and is now ready to reveal his identity.
At the end of the ninth game turn, the Evil player places the Necromancer touching any board edge.
Good: Gandalf the Grey; Saruman the White; Radagast the Brown on Sleigh; Galadriel, Lady of Light and Elrond, Master of Rivendell.
Evil: The Necromancer; all 9 Nazgûl of Dol Guldur and the Keeper of the Dungeons.
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