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Good Battle Companies


Known as the Tower of the Guard, the mighty walled city of Minas Tirith is the bulwark that has kept the endless legions of the Red Eye at bay through the long and gruelling centuries. Mighty though her ramparts are, the defenders of the White City cannot stand idle behind their fortifications and hope for victory. Instead, at the Steward's orders, warbands and patrols must constantly venture forth, hunting down the spies of Mordor and guarding key locations such as river-crossings and vantage points.

For the warriors of Minas Tirith selected for such duties, great risk and thrilling adventure beckon – success will see promotion, glory and riches, for nothing in the land of Gondor is valued more than the courage and strength required to keep its lands safe.


2x Warrior of Minas Tirith with shield

2x Warrior of Minas Tirith with spear & shield

2x Warrior of Minas Tirith with bow


Warrior of Minas Tirith with shield – Knight of Minas Tirith with shield

Warrior of Minas Tirith with spear & shield – Citadel Guard with spear

Warrior of Minas Tirith with bow – Ranger of Gondor


D6 Result
1 Nothing
2 Warrior of Minas Tirith with shield
3 Warrior of Minas Tirith with spear & shield
4 Warrior of Minas Tirith with bow
5 Warrior of Minas Tirith with choice of weapon
6 Roll on Special chart


D6 Result
1 Ranger of Gondor
2 Citadel Guard with spear
3 Citadel Guard with longbow
4 Guard of the Fountain Court (Rare 4)
5 Knight of Minas Tirith with shield
6 Choice of any


'For the White City!' – With a rousing cry, the hero plunges themselves into the fray in defence of Minas Tirith.

This model gains a bonus of +1 to its Fight value on a turn in which it Charges.


Once the proud capital of Gondor, Osgiliath stood as a beacon of hope and valour against the growing threat of Mordor. Over the centuries, it has been ravaged by war and eventually fell into ruin. In the later years of the Third Age, it has been garrisoned by Gondor's forces as a stronghold. From within its ruined walls, small groups are often dispatched into the wilderness and beyond, to aid settlements and allies under threat from evil forces.


2x Warrior of Minas Tirith with shield

2x Warrior of Minas Tirith with spear & shield

2x Ranger of Gondor


Warrior of Minas Tirith with shield – Osgiliath Veteran with shield

Warrior of Minas Tirith with spear & shield – Osgiliath Veteran with spear & shield

Warrior of Minas Tirith with bow – Osgiliath Veteran with bow


D6 Result
1 Nothing
2 Warrior of Minas Tirith with shield
3 Warrior of Minas Tirith with spear & shield
4 Warrior of Minas Tirith with bow
5 Ranger of Gondor
6 Roll on Special chart


D6 Result
1-4 Osgiliath Veteran with choice of weapon
5-6 Knight of Minas Tirith with shield

Osgiliath Veterans in this Battle Company treat the company's leader in the same way as Boromir and Faramir, according to their "Loyal to the Captains" special rule.


"Sure-footed" – Osgiliath is in ruins, and those that fight there have become masters of navigating its difficult and crumbling battlefields.

This model is never slowed by difficult terrain.


Since the days of old, the Fiefdoms of Gondor have stood ready to defend their realm in times of need. Despite the skilled standing armies hosted by the cities under Gondor's protection, peace is an elusive goal. Orc packs frequently assault cities and outposts, spreading death and devastation, while Corsair slave raids are a constant threat along the southern coastlines.

In response, bands of warriors from Gondor's major cities patrol the lands to protect the race of Men from the threats of Mordor. Notably, aspiring Swan Knights from Dol Amroth often gather forces from Lossarnach, Lamedon, and Morthond to confront and quell these dangers.


1x Knight of Dol Amroth (must be your leader)

3x Man-at-arms of Dol Amroth

2x Blackroot Vale Archer


Man-at-arms of Dol Amroth – Knight of Dol Amroth

Knight of Dol Amroth – Knight of Dol Amroth on armoured horse


D6 Result
1 Nothing
2 Blackroot Vale Archer
3 Man-at-arms of Dol Amroth
4 Clansman of Lamedon
5 Axeman of Lossarnach
6 Knight of Dol Amroth


'For the White City!' – With a rousing cry, the hero plunges into the fray in defense of Minas Tirith.

This model gains a bonus of +1 to its Fight value on a turn in which it Charges.


Though Rohan is a lush and fertile land of rolling plains and gentle hills, it is a kingdom much used to the cruelty of war. Constant raids from the neighbouring Dunlendings, and a history of battle against foes as varied as Orcs and even the Variags of Khand, have forced the men of the Mark to keep a watchful eye over their domain. Across Rohan, her people gather within the palisades of fortified towns and villages, never straying far from safety.

To ensure that the lands between these settlements are free of invaders, constant patrols march along Rohan's borders and guard her roadways, well-armed and ready to drive back evildoers. Such a duty might seem ignominious to some, but for those who wish to demonstrate their worth to the Marshals of the Mark, there is no better proving ground. Thus can Rohan's captains find a ready supply of young fighters, full of bravado and the confidence of youth, eager to prove themselves. Those who take up these duties either return as settled, experienced warriors… or they do not return at all.


3x Warrior of Rohan with shield

2x Warrior of Rohan with throwing spear & shield

2x Warrior of Rohan with bow

All Hero models gain the Horse Lord special rule.


Warrior of Rohan with shield – Rohan Royal Guard with shield

Warrior of Rohan with throwing spear & shield – Rider of Rohan with throwing spear & shield

Warrior of Rohan with bow – Rider of Rohan

Rider of Rohan – Rohan Outrider on horse


D6 Result
1 Nothing
2 Warrior of Rohan with shield
3 Warrior of Rohan with throwing spear & shield
4 Warrior of Rohan with bow
5 Warrior of Rohan with choice of weapon
6 Roll on Special chart


D6 Result
1 Rohan Outrider
2 Rohan Royal Guard
3 Rider of Rohan with choice of weapon
4 Rohan Royal Guard on horse
5 Son of Eorl
6 Choice of any


'Forth Eorlingas!' – Upon their steed, the hero charges into the enemy with as much might as they can muster.

Whilst mounted, this model gains a bonus of +1 Strength on a turn in which it Charges.


Following the Battle of Pelennor Fields, the Free Peoples of Middle-earth hatched one final plan to draw Sauron's gaze away from Mordor and onto themselves. Yet, even as they rode to the Black Gate, Aragorn, Éomer, and Imrahil sent groups of trusted warriors to scour the lands outside Mordor for any enemy patrolling warbands or small outposts.

With the combined forces of Minas Tirith, Rohan, and Dol Amroth, these valiant companies of allies would assault the defences of the Dark Lord, weakening his armies and preventing them from marching to war against the Free Peoples at the Black Gate. Fighting side-by-side, the warriors of these three great realms of Men fight with a renewed vigour whilst they remain together.


1x Warrior of Minas Tirith with shield

1x Warrior of Minas Tirith with spear & shield

1x Warrior of Rohan with shield

1x Warrior of Rohan with throwing spear & shield

2x Knight of Dol Amroth


Warrior of Rohan with shield – Rohan Royal Guard with shield

Warrior of Rohan with throwing spear & shield – Rider of Rohan with throwing spear & shield

Warrior of Rohan with bow – Rider of Rohan

Man-at-arms of Dol Amroth – Knight of Dol Amroth

Knight of Dol Amroth – Knight of Dol Amroth on armoured horse

Warrior of Minas Tirith – Knight of Minas Tirith with shield


D6 Result
1 Nothing
2 Warrior of Rohan with choice of weapon
3 Warrior of Minas Tirith with choice of weapon
4 Man-at-arms of Dol Amroth
5 Knight of Dol Amroth
6 Choice of any


Stand, Men of the West – Standing side-by-side, the Men of the West fight to defend Middle-earth against the threat of Mordor. If the Hero has the Gondor keyword, they gain a bonus of +1 to their Duel rolls if there is a friendly Rohan model within 3". If the Hero has the Rohan keyword, they gain a bonus of +1 to their Duel rolls if there is a friendly Gondor model within 3".


Having dwelt within the confines of the White Mountains for thousands of years, the Dead of Dunharrow have finally been called upon to fulfil their oath to the king of Gondor. Whilst most of these Warriors of the Dead went with Aragorn and their undead liege to the fields of Pelennor, some small contingents of undead warriors were sent to fend off Gondor's enemies elsewhere in Middle-earth. Sent forth by the heir of Isildur, these Warriors of the Dead aimed to seek out the enemies of Gondor across Middle-earth, traveling far and wide to fulfill their duty. It is not until they had accomplished the task they had been set that they could finally be at peace.


2x Warrior of the Dead with shield

2x Warrior of the Dead with spear


Spectral Steed (5/10) – 3 Influence Points


D6 Result
1 Nothing
2 Warrior of the Dead
3 Warrior of the Dead with shield
4 Warrior of the Dead with spear
5 Warrior of the Dead with spear & shield
6 Rider of the Dead


"Touch of the Dead" – Such is the fear that these spectral beings instill into their foes, that an encounter with one can leave an enemy almost paralysed in terror.

If the Hero makes one or more Strikes against an enemy model, and that model is not slain, the model must take a Courage test. If the test is failed, then in the following turn the model is treated as being under the effects of the Transfix Magical Power.


Arnor was once a great realm, formed by Elendil in the Second Age, however, by the dwindling years of the Third Age, Arnor had fallen into ruin; a shadow of its former glory. Yet in days gone by, even as it fell into despair, the Kings of Arnor would send out patrols of their warriors to protect the realm against the swarms of fell creatures under the Witch-king's command.

Those who led these small patrols were warriors who were destined to command Arnor's armies, but did not yet possess the experience required to lead. They would set out from Fornost with their loyal companions to fend off the Orc raiding parties that threatened their home. These warbands were also used by the kings of old to explore the crumbling ruins that were once Arnor's cities, abandoned long ago, in search of heirlooms of their forebears.


5x Warrior of Arnor

2x Ranger of Arnor


Hobbit Archers in this Battle Company do not count towards the total number of bows the Battle Company may have.


D6 Result
1 Nothing
2 Hobbit Archer
3 Ranger of Arnor
4 Ranger of Arnor with spear
5 Warrior of Arnor
6 Warrior of Arnor


'Defend the North!' – It is the hero's sworn duty to protect the realm of Arnor, no matter the cost. The Hero will automatically pass the first Courage test it must take for their force being Broken.


Since the fall of the kingdom of Arnor, centuries ago, the wild lands of the north have been watched over by the Rangers of the North; descendants of the bloodline of Númenor and blessed with long life. These men have chosen a life of exile in order to protect the northlands from whatever Evil may try to gain a foothold in that part of the world. Among the Dúnedain were the heirs of Elendil, who would lead them and send bands out upon missions to curb the growth of Evil.

As whispers of dark powers spread, the Rangers of the North will split off into small bands of warriors to seek out such evil and defeat it. This will often see a travelling group of Dúnedain venture many leagues in order to reach their destination; fighting the servants of the Dark Lord wherever they come across them.


2x Ranger of the North

2x Ranger of the North with spear

A Rangers of the North Battle Company is an interesting one in that it is comprised entirely of Hero models. Because of this there may only ever be a maximum of 10 models in a Rangers of the North Battle Company. When starting a Rangers of the North Battle Company, you still choose a leader and Sergeants in the same way as other companies. However, no models will gain Might, Will and Fate at the start as they already begin with 1 point of each.

A Rangers of the North Battle Company may have 100% of its models armed with a bow.


D6 Result
1 Nothing
2 Dúnedain
3 Dúnedain with spear
4 Ranger of the North
5 Ranger of the North with spear
6 Choose one of the above


Dangerous Folk – The Rangers of the North are a dangerous folk that wander the wilderness to the north, mastering every path and honing their skills.

This model gains the Woodland Creature special rule. Additionally, whilst on foot, this model adds 1 to their Attacks characteristic.


The fishing settlement of Esgaroth, known as Lake-town, lives in the shadow of The Lonely Mountain and the threat that lurks within. In recent years, Lake-town has faced hard times, with its people struggling to find enough food and shelter. The Master of Lake-town, however, hoards his wealth within his residence, growing ever richer while the common folk struggle. His lust for wealth extends beyond Lake-town, sending opportunistic guards across Middle-earth to seek riches, valuable items, and trade deals, such as the one with the Elvenking for wine. These guards, often accompanied by a band of townsfolk, promise a better life to those who return successfully.


3x Lake-town Guard

2x Lake-town Militia with shield

2x Lake-town Militia with spear

2x Lake-town Militia with bow

Only Lake-town Guard may be selected as Hero models when you start your Battle Company. Additionally, an Army of Lake-town Battle Company may have up to 20 models rather than 15.


Lake-town Militia with shield – Lake-town Guard

Lake-town Militia with spear – Lake-town Guard with spear

Lake-town Militia with bow – Lake-town Guard with bow


D6 Result
1 Nothing
2 Lake-town Militia with shield
3 Lake-town Militia with spear
4 Lake-town Militia with bow
5 Lake-town Guard with choice of weapon
6 2x Lake-town Guard with choice of weapon


"The Master's Purse Strings" – The Hero is under the employment of the Master of Lake-town and can use their employer's influence to rouse their followers into action. At the start of the Fight phase, before any Heroic Actions are declared, the Hero can spend 1 point of Might. If they do so, the Fight value of all friendly models within 6" is increased by 1 until the End phase of the turn.


In the closing years of the Second Age, the armies of Gil-galad and Elendil formed a compact that would become known as the Last Alliance of Men and Elves, to combat the ever-growing threat of Sauron. Marching to war upon the black lands of Mordor, they fought for many years against the hordes of Orcs that Sauron sent to oppose them. During these blighted years, it was not unusual for Gil-galad and Elendil to send small bands of their warriors to venture into Mordor to undermine the armies of the Dark Lord.

These companies would be tasked with dealing with enemy scouts before they could give away their army's position, capturing small Orc outposts, or even assassinating leaders of the Orcish armies. As these companies of Men and Elves fought together, the bonds between them grew to a point where they would fight better when alongside their allies than even when alongside those of their own race.


2x High Elf Warrior

1x High Elf Warrior with Elf bow

3x Warrior of Númenor with shield


D6 Result
1 Nothing
2 Warrior of Númenor with shield
3 Warrior of Númenor with spear & shield
4 Warrior of Númenor with bow
5 High Elf Warrior
6 High Elf Warrior with choice of weapon


"Unrivalled Alliance" – The alliance forged between Men and Elves has brought out the best in both races as they fight against the Dark Lord.

If the Hero is a Man, they gain a bonus of +1 to their Duel rolls if there is a friendly Elf within 3".

If the Hero is an Elf, they gain a bonus of +1 to their Duel rolls if there is a friendly Man within 3".


To the east of Mirkwood lies the great Dwarven realm of Erebor, once ruled over by Thrór, The Last King Under the Mountain. Erebor forged a strong alliance with Dale, the City of Men, and its lord, Girion. This relationship was based on prevalent trade; the Dwarves used Dale's grand markets to distribute their wares across Middle-earth, and in return, they provided the armouries of Dale with finely-wrought weapons. The greatest asset these allies provided each other was combined strength-in-arms.

It was common for a small band of Dwarves from Erebor and Men from Dale to be tasked with the defence of an outpost, benefiting both realms. Groups like these often formed close bonds, honing their skills side-by-side in the wild lands of Middle-earth and sharing both talents and experiences with each other.


2x Warrior of Erebor with shield,

1x Warrior of Erebor with spear

1x Warrior of Dale with shield

1x Warrior of Dale with shield & spear

1x Warrior of Dale with Esgaroth bow


D6 Result
1 Nothing
2-3 Warrior of Dale with choice of weapon
4-5 Warrior of Erebor with choice of weapon
6 Grim Hammer


"Skilled Training" – Constantly training and honing their skills with their allies, the hero has become an expert in hand-to-hand combat.

The Hero may re-roll results of a 1 when making a Duel roll.


Warrior of Erebor – Grim Hammer


Pick Hammer (1/5) – 1 Influence Point


Home to Galadriel, the Lady of Light, and the Elven ring of Nenya, Lothlórien is well guarded by the Elves who live there. Few are ever permitted to pass through the Golden Wood, but those who are granted this honour are met by the Lord and Lady of Lórien in good spirits. Yet the woodland realm of Lórien has come under threat from Evil in the past, as packs of Orcs, Goblins, and other Evil creatures constantly seek to infiltrate its boughs.

It is because of this that the Galadhrim wander the well-trodden paths of Lothlórien, ensuring that they are free of Evil and that peace remains. The Elves who lead these patrols are veterans of Ages past, experienced in the ways of combat from the many wars they have fought. It is not unheard of for these Elves to range out into Middle-earth in search of Sauron's forces, intent on seeing the Dark Lord finally vanquished.


1x Galadhrim Warrior

1x Galadhrim Warrior with spear and shield

1x Galadhrim Warrior with Elf bow

1x Wood Elf Warrior

1x Wood Elf Warrior with Wood Elf spear

1x Wood Elf Warrior with Elf bow


Wood Elf Warrior – Galadhrim Warrior

Wood Elf Warrior with Wood Elf spear – Galadhrim Warrior with spear & shield

Wood Elf Warrior with Elf bow – Galadhrim Warrior with Elf bow

Galadhrim Warrior – Galadhrim Knight with shield

Galadhrim Warrior with Elf bow – Galadhrim Knight with Elf bow

Galadhrim Warrior with spear & shield – Guard of the Galadhrim Court


D6 Result
1 Nothing
2 Wood Elf Warrior
3 Wood Elf Warrior with choice of weapon
4 Galadhrim Warrior
5 Galadhrim Warrior with choice of weapon
6 Roll on Special chart


D6 Result
1-2 Galadhrim Knight with choice of weapon
3-4 Guard of the Galadhrim Court
5-6 Wood Elf Sentinel


"Blessing of the Golden Wood" – Through the blessing of Galadriel, fortune smiles upon the hero, keeping them from harm. Each time this Hero suffers a Wound, roll a D6. On a 6, the Wound is ignored exactly as if 1 point of Fate had been spent.


Located in the hidden valley in the western foothills of The Misty Mountains, Rivendell endures under the protection of Elrond and the Elven ring that he possesses. The power of Vilya has kept Rivendell safe, and made it a place of peace and refuge to all of the Free Peoples of Middle-earth, earning it the name 'The Last Homely House'.

However, even places such as Rivendell need protection from the ever-growing Evil in the Third Age. Under Lord Elrond's orders, Elven captains patrol Rivendell's borders, making sure that they are kept free from foul creatures that would bring destruction upon them. Although rare, it has been known for the Elven patrols from Rivendell to venture further beyond their borders, offering aid to those in need against the forces of Sauron.


2x High Elf Warrior

2x High Elf Warrior with spear & shield

1x High Elf Warrior with Elf bow


"Noldorin Fighting Style" – A warrior skilled from many wars across the ages can wield their blade with incredible dexterity.

This hero does not suffer the -1 penalty to their Duel rolls for using their Elven-made hand-and-a-half weapon as a two-handed weapon.


D6 Result
1 Nothing
2 High Elf Warrior
3 High Elf Warrior with spear & shield
4 High Elf Warrior with Elf bow
5 High Elf Warrior with choice of weapon
6 Rivendell Knight


Deep within Mirkwood can be found the halls of the Elvenking, Thranduil. This woodland realm is kept hidden within the forest, away from prying eyes and Evil thoughts. Thranduil cares little for the world beyond his realm and will not waste precious lives in keeping it safe. Yet as the years have gone by, even the Elvenking has come to acknowledge the growing threat that is beginning to rise in the old fortress of Dol Guldur.

More and more frequently, the Elvenking has commanded patrols to go out into Mirkwood and clear out the Evil creatures that lurk in the gloom. For the spiders that once resided solely in Dol Guldur have become more brazen and vicious, creeping further and further north, towards the halls of Thranduil. Those in charge of the Elvenking's patrols are tasked with clearing out these spider nests and protecting Mirkwood from all manner of unwelcome 'guests'.


2x Mirkwood Elf with shield

1x Mirkwood Elf with Elven-made glaive

1x Mirkwood Elf with Elf bow

1x Mirkwood Ranger


Mirkwood Elf with shield – Palace Guard with shield

Mirkwood Elf with Elven-made glaive – Palace Guard with spear

Mirkwood Elf with Elf bow – Mirkwood Ranger


D6 Result
1 Nothing
2 Mirkwood Elf with shield
3 Mirkwood Elf with Elven-made glaive
4 Mirkwood Elf with Elf bow
5 Mirkwood Elf with choice of weapon
6 Roll on Special chart


D6 Result
1-2 Palace Guard with choice of weapon
3-4 Mirkwood Ranger
5-6 Mirkwood Cavalry


"Protect Our Borders" – This hero has spent many years traversing the thick woodland terrain of Mirkwood, learning how to climb its boughs and move through seemingly impossible undergrowth with ease.

This Hero always counts as having rolled a 6 for any Leap, Jump or Climb tests.


Elven-made glaive (2/5) – Costs 2 Influence Points.


The Dwarves of the Iron Hills are a stubborn and hardy folk, possessing one of the greatest fighting forces of the Third Age. Unlike the Dwarves of other Kingdoms, those of the Iron Hills are famed more for their accomplishments in war than their skill in forging items of great value. It is this that makes an Iron Hills army a deadly and feared foe, one that the forces of the Dark Lord will not eagerly face in battle.

The Iron Hills Dwarves produce such skilled warriors through the constant battles they wage against the Orcs and Goblins that taint their ancestral lands. Before joining the standing army of the Iron Hills, many Dwarves will spend numerous years roaming the lands of Middle-earth honing their skills and dispatching the forces of Evil they encounter. It is through these expeditions that the Dwarves of the Iron Hills become forever bound by the experiences shared upon their many travels and skirmishes with the forces of the Dark Lord.


2x Iron Hills Dwarf with shield & spear

2x Iron Hills Dwarf with Mattock

1x Iron Hills Dwarf with crossbow


'Baruk Khazâd!' – With a fury as hot as the iron forges of the Dwarves, the hero lunges at their foe in defence of the folk of Durin.

This hero may re-roll To Wound rolls of a 1 when making Strikes against Orc models, Goblin models, or Uruk-hai models.


Item Rating/Max Cost
War Goat 6/10 2 Influence Points
Mattock 1/5 1 Influence Point


D6 Result
1 Nothing
2 Iron Hills Dwarf with Mattock
3 Iron Hills Dwarf with Crossbow
4 Iron Hills Dwarf with spear & shield
5 Iron Hills Dwarf with choice of weapon
6 Iron Hills Goat Rider


Within the bones of The Misty Mountains, the Dwarves of Durin's Folk built the Dwarven Kingdom of Khazad-dûm. This underground realm, steeped in history and grandeur, was once home to the greatest of the Dwarven lords of Middle-earth, descendants of the father of the Dwarves himself. But as the Dwarves delved deeper in search of precious metals, they sealed their own fate. In the days when Khazad-dûm prospered, its kings would send their trusted followers to clear the lower tunnels of the mountain, and these warriors would form a tight bond fighting side-by-side against the vile Goblins that dwelt there. Upon their return, these companies would often venture out into Middle-earth, to the other Dwarven Kingdoms such as Erebor, the Iron Hills, or the Blue Mountains, in search of wealth and further adventure.


2x Dwarf Warrior with shield

2x Dwarf Warrior with two-handed axe

2x Dwarf Warrior with Dwarf bow


Dwarf Warrior with shield – Khazâd Guard

Dwarf Warrior with two-handed axe – Khazâd Guard

Dwarf Warrior with Dwarf bow – Dwarf Ranger with Dwarf Longbow


D6 Result
1 Nothing
2 Dwarf Warrior with shield
3 Dwarf Warrior with two-handed axe
4 Dwarf Warrior with Dwarf bow
5 Dwarf Warrior with choice of weapon
6 Roll on Special chart


D6 Result
1-2 Iron Guard
3-4 Khazâd Guard
5-6 Vault Warden Team


'Baruk Khazâd!' – With a fury as hot as the iron forges of the Dwarves, the hero lunges at their foe in defence of the folk of Durin.

This Hero may re-roll To Wound rolls of a 1 when making Strikes against Orc models, Goblin models, or Uruk-hai models.


Once, the Kingdom of Khazad-dûm was the pride of the Dwarven race, famed for its wealth and the mighty Dwarven lords that resided within its impressive stone halls. However, the coming of Durin's Bane saw the fall of this great kingdom, which hence became known as Moria. Many centuries later, following the reclamation of Erebor, Balin led an expedition to take back Moria from the clutches of the Goblins that defiled its halls.

During the early years of his expedition, the lord Balin would send bands of Dwarven warriors into Moria's tunnels to clear them of Goblins and other creatures and retake them for the Dwarves. It was not unheard of for particularly successful companies to ask permission of their lord to head out, temporarily, into Middle-earth, to hone their skills and seek supplies and reinforcements to bring back to Moria.


1x Dwarf Warrior with shield

1x Dwarf Warrior with two-handed axe

1x Dwarf Warrior with Dwarf bow

1x Dwarf Ranger with Dwarf longbow

1x Dwarf Ranger with two-handed axe

1x Dwarf Ranger with throwing axes


D6 Result
1 Nothing
2 Dwarf Warrior with shield
3 Dwarf Warrior with choice of weapon
4 Dwarf Ranger with Dwarf longbow
5 Dwarf Ranger with choice of weapon
6 Roll on Special chart


D6 Result
1-3 Iron Guard
4-5 Khazâd Guard
6 Vault Warden Team (Rare 1)


'Baruk Khazâd!' – With a fury as hot as the iron forges of the Dwarves, the hero lunges at their foe in defence of the folk of Durin.

This hero may re-roll To Wound rolls of a 1 when making Strikes against Orc models, Goblin models or Uruk-hai models.


Dwarf Warrior with shield – Iron Guard

Dwarf Warrior with two-handed axe – Iron Guard

Dwarf Warrior with Dwarf bow – Dwarf Ranger with Dwarf Longbow

Dwarf Ranger – Moria Expeditionary* with equivalent wargear

*A Moria Expeditionary is a Dwarf Ranger that does not suffer the -1 To Hit for moving half its Move allowance and shooting.


The Hobbits that reside within the Shire are a peaceful race, quite content to ignore, and be ignored by, the world of the big folk that lies outside their borders. In fact, to many who live in Middle-earth, Hobbits seem of little or no relevance at all and are not considered as warriors or counted among the wise. Hobbits will seldom leave the boundaries of the four Farthings of the Shire, preferring to stay within the comfort of what and where they know. Yet, on the rare occasion that their livelihoods are threatened, the Hobbits of the Shire can rally to form a fighting force if needed – though not one that possesses great martial prowess. There have even been occasions, following threats to their homeland, where small bands of Hobbits have ventured beyond the boundaries of the Shire to protect it from those who seek to bring ruin to their quaint and peaceful lives.


8x Hobbit Militia

4x Hobbit Archer

A Shire Battle Company may have up to 25 models rather than 15.


Hobbit Militia – Battlin' Brandybuck

Hobbit Archer – Tookish Hunter


D6 Result
1 Nothing
2 Hobbit Militia
3 Hobbit Archer
4 Hobbit Shirriff
5 2x Hobbit Militia
6 Choose any 2 Hobbits


'For the Shire!' – With a hearty and rousing cry, the hero leads the Hobbits of the Shire in defence of their peaceful land. The Hero, and all models from their Battle Company within 6", may re-roll failed Courage tests.


(Leader only): Pony (2/5) – 2 Influence Points


Middle-earth is filled with those of all races that wander its paths and wild lands for many reasons, and it is not uncommon for a group of such wanderers to find common ground and continue on their journeys together. In fact, groups of Men, Elves, Dwarves, and even Hobbits on rare occasions, have been known to travel together through the various realms of Middle-earth, keeping their purposes to themselves. Often, such bands of wanderers will be called upon by the free folk to help them against those that seek to cause them harm. Though they owe little allegiance to one another, the bonds formed by travelling together with friends is a strong one, and these wanderers will give their all to protect their companions that they now hold dear.


  • 1x Dwarf Ranger with two-handed axe
  • 1x Dwarf Ranger with throwing axes
  • 1x Wood Elf
  • 1x Wood Elf with Elf bow
  • 2x Ranger of Gondor
  • 1x Hobbit Militia

A Wanderers in the Wild Battle Company may have up to 50% of their models armed with bows rather than 33%.


'Away from prying eyes' – The Hero's time spent wandering the paths of Middle-earth has made them a master in finding hidden paths and remaining unseen. The Hero gains the Stalk Unseen special rule.


D6 Result
1 Nothing
2 Ranger of Gondor with choice of weapon
3 Dwarf Ranger with choice of weapon
4 Wood Elf with choice of weapon
5 Choose one of the above
6 Wood Elf Sentinel (Rare 1)

If the company's Hobbit Militia has been slain, you may swap any result on the Reinforcements chart for a Hobbit Militia. The company may only ever have one Hobbit Militia at a time.