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Earlier, we touched on the fact that your Battle Company will earn Influence Points and these can be spent on a variety of wargear, Equipment and other items from the Armoury. The Armoury has four sections: Wargear, Equipment, Wanderers and Creatures, each with their own set of rules and restrictions. Over the next few pages, we will explain how this all works, and the rules associated with each item your Battle Company can purchase.


Here we present a list of the most common types of wargear available to models in your Battle Company. There are plenty of options for your company members to spend their hard earned Influence Points on, from mounts to weapons and armour.

The list presented on the next page is by no means exhaustive; certain Battle Companies may have their own list of additional wargear that can be bought for them. Where this is the case it will be presented on that Battle Company's page, along with any costs associated with that piece of wargear.

There are a few restrictions to which pieces of wargear can be purchased for the members of your Battle Company. This is to ensure that the Battle Companies progress in a thematic manner that fits with their background, rather than simply loading every model in your Battle Company with wargear they would not really have access to.

For the Warrior models in your Battle Company, this is really easy to work out. They can simply purchase any piece of wargear that model's profile would normally be able to have. For example, a Warrior of Minas Tirith from a Battle Company would be able to buy a bow, shield or spear, as those options are directly available to their profile. They would not be able to buy a horse, lance or Elf bow, as those options are not available to their profile.

Hero models are much less limited by which pieces of wargear they can take. They can purchase any piece of wargear that is available to any member of their Battle Company, including those that could be promoted or join as Reinforcements; but not those that joined the Battle Company by other means (such as Wanderers or those from the Narrative Campaign). If a member of your Battle Company happens to gain a piece of wargear that they could not normally have through a Narrative Campaign, this does not mean that your Hero models may also purchase the same type of wargear.

Next to each wargear entry are two numbers in brackets separated by a slash. These denote the amount of points that the piece of wargear will add to a Hero model as explained on page 9.

For example: Jay has a Minas Tirith Battle Company and wants to purchase some wargear for his leader. Jay may purchase a horse for his leader as the Knights of Minas Tirith can have a horse. He could also purchase a longbow, as Citadel Guard can have a longbow. Jay could not purchase a two-handed weapon for his leader as no member of his Battle Company is able to have a two-handed weapon.

  • ARMOURED HORSE (8/15) [4 Influence Points]
  • BOW (1/5) [1 Influence Point]
  • CROSSBOW (2/5) [2 Influence Points]
  • DWARF BOW (1/5) [1 Influence Point]
  • DWARF LONGBOW (1/5) [1 Influence Point]
  • ELF BOW (2/5) [2 Influence Points]
  • ELVEN-MADE HAND-AND-A-HALF SWORD (1/5) [1 Influence Point]
  • ESGAROTH BOW (2/5) [2 Influence Points]
  • FELL WARG (5/10) [3 Influence Points]
  • HORSE (5/10) [3 Influence Points]
  • LANCE (1/5) [1 Influence Point]
  • LONGBOW (2/5) [2 Influence Points]
  • ORC BOW (1/5) [1 Influence Point]
  • PIKE (1/5) [1 Influence Point]
  • SHIELD (1/5) [1 Influence Point]
  • SHORT BOW (1/5) [1 Influence Point]
  • SPEAR (1/5) [1 Influence Point]
  • SWAP HAND WEAPON FOR ANOTHER TYPE (1/5) [1 Influence Point]

Any model may change the type of hand weapon they possess for any of the following: axe, club, dagger, flail, hammer, mace, maul, pick, scourge, staff, or sword. Warrior models that exchange their type of hand weapon will cost an additional 1 point when working out your Battle Company Rating.

  • THROWING WEAPONS (1/5) [1 Influence Point]
  • THROWING SPEARS (2/5) [1 Influence Point]
  • TWO-HANDED WEAPONS (1/5) [1 Influence Point]

This weapon can be of any type the player chooses.

  • UPGRADE ARMOUR TO HEAVY ARMOUR (1/5) [1 Influence Point]
  • URUK-HAI BOW (1/5) [1 Influence Point]
  • WAR SPEAR (1/5) [1 Influence Point]
  • WARG (5/10) [3 Influence Points]


As a Battle Company journeys across Middle-earth, they will often accumulate a variety of different pieces of Equipment that will aid them in their adventures. Ranging from cloaks that can help to protect the wearer from unfriendly eyes to a comforting brew that can lift the spirits of even the most timid, these pieces of Equipment come in all shapes and sizes. Alongside each of the entries given in this section is a picture that provides an example or idea of how you can choose to represent the Equipment on your models.

Additionally, each piece of Equipment will be categorised as either Large or Small. A model may only carry one Large and one Small piece of Equipment at a time; there are only so many things a model can carry!

Over the next few pages you will find a series of Equipment that can be purchased by your Battle Company for the cost in Influence Points given. Some of these pieces of Equipment can only be purchased by certain Battle Companies, only by Hero models, or sometimes only by Good or Evil models. When this is the case, it will be clearly stated. Each piece of Equipment has a number in brackets after its name; this is the number of points it will add onto the rating of your Battle Company (see page 9).

  • ARROW POISON SMALL (1) [1 Influence Point]

A tactic made famous by the Haradrim of the south, many Evil creatures will coat the tips of their arrows in poison to cause great pain to those that succumb to its potency.

A model with Arrow Poison must re-roll To Wound rolls of a 1 when making a shooting attack. Only Evil models may purchase Arrow Poison.

  • BACKPACK LARGE (2) [3 Influence Points]

Wandering the lands of Middle-earth requires provisions, and many travelers will carry backpacks filled with food, water and other useful items they may need.

A model with a Backpack may carry an additional three Small pieces of Equipment within it (for a maximum of four).

  • BLADE POISON SMALL (1) [1 Influence Point]

The servants of the Dark Lord will not hesitate to gain any advantage in war, coating their blades in vile toxins to induce a quick, excruciating death for their victims.

A model with Blade Poison must re-roll To Wound rolls of a 1 when making Strikes during a combat. Only Evil models may purchase Blade Poison.

  • CLIMBING ROPES SMALL (1) [1 Influence Point]

Along their travels, members of a Battle Company will have to traverse many areas that need to be climbed, making ropes an essential piece of equipment.

A model with Climbing Ropes will add +1 to any Climb tests they make. Additionally, after the model makes a Climb test they may choose to leave their rope behind. If they do so they cannot use it for the rest of the game, mark the location with a marker, counter or token. Any friendly model that makes a Climb test from the same point also gains a bonus of +1 to the result. At the end of the game, the model is assumed to retrieve the rope.

  • COMPANY STANDARD LARGE (10) [6 Influence Points]

It is not unheard of for some Battle Companies to carry the colours of their lord with them on their journeys. The sight of a standard flapping in the wind inspires courage in all who see it.

Any member of the same Battle Company as a model carrying a Company Standard, that can draw Line of Sight to the Company Standard itself, may re-roll any failed Courage tests. A model carrying a Company Standard suffers a -1 penalty to their Duel rolls.

  • CONCEALING CLOAK SMALL (3) [2 Influence Points]

These strange cloaks are a rare find, able to shield the wearer from unfriendly eyes allowing them to remain unseen.

A model wearing a Concealing Cloak has the Stalk Unseen special rule.

  • DWARVEN BREW (HERO ONLY) LARGE (2) [2 Influence Points]

Nothing can raise the spirits of a Battle Company further than an excellent flagon of a Dwarven Brew. Leaders of a Battle Company will often provide their comrades with such a drink, and the promise of one can bring out the best in almost any fighter.

A Hero model may elect to use their Dwarven Brew at the start of any game, if they do so it has been used and is removed from the Hero model's profile. Every model within the Hero model's Battle Company adds +1 to their Courage value for the remainder of the game.

  • ELVISH WAYBREAD SMALL (3) [3 Influence Points]

Made by the Elves in anticipation of long journeys, Elvish waybread, or Lembas as it is often known, is an enchanted food that strengthens those that eat it for the roads ahead. It is said to be even better than the honey-cakes of the Beornings and that even a small amount can prepare a Man for a full day's march.

A model that has purchased Elvish Waybread may elect to use it at the end of any game in which they were removed as a casualty. If they do this, remove the Elvish Waybread from their Equipment; additionally, do not roll on the Injury chart for them, instead they will automatically count as having rolled the Full Recovery result. Only Good models may purchase Elvish Waybread.

  • HEALING HERBS (HERO ONLY) SMALL (3) [3 Influence Points]

There are many flora and fungi in Middle-earth that have healing or medicinal properties. Those with the right knowledge can use such plants to slow the wounds suffered by their allies, or even help them to recover from otherwise fatal injuries.

A Hero may elect to use their Healing Herbs at the end of any game if they were not removed as a casualty. If they do this, remove the Healing Herbs from their Equipment. Every model within the Hero model's Battle Company adds +1 to any Injury rolls that they must make at the end of the game.

  • LUCKY TALISMAN (HERO ONLY) SMALL (5) [4 Influence Points]

Many Heroes have survived close encounters with death in the past and have attributed their survival to good fortune and to a particular item or token. Often they will carry around such tokens on the battlefield believing that it will bring them luck and prolong their life in dire situations.

A Hero with a Lucky Talisman may re-roll any failed Fate rolls.

  • MANACLES SMALL (3) [2 Influence Points]

Often used by cruel and violent beings to shackle those that are too weak to oppose them, Manacles provide a means to shackle another and render them unable to defend themselves against their oppressor's will.

If a model with Manacles wins a Duel roll, they may elect to use them instead of Striking normally. If they do this, instead of rolling To Wound, roll a single D6 instead. On a 4+, the enemy Man-sized or smaller model suffers the effects of the Paralyse Magical Power, as it has been bound.

  • MAP (HERO ONLY) SMALL (3) [3 Influence Points]

Few warriors in Middle-earth have the skill to read the ancient maps of Middle-earth; yet those who can are a valuable addition to any Battle Company.

After both Battle Companies have deployed, before the first Priority is rolled, a Battle Company with a Map may redeploy D6 models using the normal rules. If both players have a Map, the player with Priority redeploys their models first.

  • RALLYING HORN SMALL (5) [5 Influence Points]

The blast of this horn will alert the bearer's allies to their location, allowing them to stick together against their enemies.

If one or more models with a Rallying Horn are on the board, their Battle Company may add 1 (or minus 1) to any Reinforcement rolls in the Secure the Area Scenario. Additionally, whilst the bearer of a Rallying Horn is alive, your company may add 1 to the roll when rolling on their Reinforcement chart.

  • SCROLL OF COURAGE (HERO ONLY) SMALL (2) [2 Influence Points]

This scroll contains words of inspiration and meaning to those that carry it. Upon hearing these words spoken aloud, your company is infused with reinvigorated courage.

At the start of any game, the Hero may read the Scroll of Courage. If they do, all friendly models add +1 to their Courage value for the remainder of the game. Once read, the scroll is caught by a strong breeze and floats off into the air; remove it from the Hero model's Equipment.

  • SCROLL OF HIDDEN PATHS (HERO ONLY) SMALL (2) [4 Influence Points]

Found upon your company's travels, this mysterious scroll contains the locations of a series of hidden paths that lead to the battlefield.

At the start of any game, before forces are deployed, the Hero may read the Scroll of Hidden Paths. If they do, you may keep D3 Warrior models off the board when deploying your forces. These models will arrive from any board edge of your choosing at the end of your company's second Move phase via the rules for Reinforcements. Once read, the scroll is caught by a strong breeze and floats off into the air; remove it from the Hero model's Equipment.

  • SEEING STONE (HERO ONLY) SMALL (5) [6 Influence Points]

This mysterious stone swirls with an unknown power. Quite what power it possesses remains uncertain, but those who wield it seem to know what may happen before it comes to pass.

At the start of each turn that the Hero is alive, roll a D6 before Priority is rolled. On the roll of a natural 6, the Hero may choose which side has Priority that turn.

  • TORCH SMALL(1) [1 Influence Point]

Warriors will use torches to light the way in caves or the dark of night. They can also be unconventional yet effective weapons in times of great desperation.

A model with a Torch illuminates the area within 6" of them; models within this area can be seen as if it were daylight. Additionally, a model with a Torch can use it to attempt to set their foes on fire. If this model wins a Duel roll, they may choose to not make any Strikes and instead roll a D6. On a 6, the model that lost the Duel roll suffers the Set Ablaze special rule.

  • WAR DRUM LARGE (10) [3 Influence Points]

Many bands of Orcs, Uruk-hai or other Evil beings will march into battle to the rhythmic beat of a war drum, the constant thumping of the drum making sure that no member of the company slows down and falls behind.

At the start of the Move phase, a model with a War Drum may declare they are sounding the advance. When this occurs, all models from the same Battle Company, and within 12" of the drummer, add 3" to their Movement value if on foot and 5" to their Movement if mounted for the remainder of the turn. Models that are affected by a War Drum may not Charge in that turn. Only Evil models may purchase a War Drum.

  • WHIP SMALL (2) [1 Influence Point]

Among the Evil races of Middle-earth, whips are used to viciously spur on the rank and file into battle. More than once has a disobedient Orc felt the sting of these cruel weapons.

A Whip counts as a throwing weapon with a range of 2" and Strength 1. Only Evil models may carry a Whip.


As your company traverses the various environments of Middle-earth, they will often come across other such wanderers that have spent years travelling the wild lands. Often these wanderers will be able to provide advice, knowledge or shelter to those weary from a long day's walk; and sometimes they will offer their services to your company in exchange for a share of the glories to be had.

Here we present a selection of Wanderers that can be added to your Battle Company for a particular cost. In each profile, there will be the points cost of the Wanderer as well as the amount in Influence Points it will cost to add them to your company. A Battle Company may only ever have one Wanderer at a time. Wanderers cannot be bought any additional wargear or Equipment from the Armoury.

  • LOCAL SCOUT 4 POINTS [4 Influence Points]

Battle Companies will often hire the services of the locals of an area, for their knowledge about the lay of the land can prove extremely valuable as the Battle Company traverses Middle-earth

If a Battle Company hires a Local Scout, they will count as a Warrior that cannot be promoted and cannot gain Experience Points — although they will still roll on the Warrior Injury chart as normal. A Local Scout can be bought a bow at the cost of 1 Influence Point. A Local Scout has the following profile and has the Man, Infantry and Warrior keywords.

Mv F S D A W C
6" 3/4+ 3 3 1 1 2

Wargear: Dagger, bow (optional).

Local Knowledge — After players have determined their table edges, but before deployment has begun, a player with a Local Scout can move a single piece of terrain up to D6" in any direction. If both players have a Local Scout then the player who chose their board edge may move a terrain piece first. The other player may not move the same one.

  • MERCENARY FIGHTER 40 POINTS [8 Influence Points]

Mercenaries often wander the paths of Middle-earth in search of riches and personal glory. These sellswords will pledge their services to the highest bidder, and it is not unheard of for them to side with a Battle Company — so long as the coin keeps being paid...

A Mercenary Fighter is a Hero that cannot gain Experience Points, and will roll on the Hero Injury chart as normal. A Mercenary Fighter has the following profile and has the Man, Infantry and Hero keywords.

Mv F S D A W C M W F
6" 5/4+ 4 5 2 2 4 1 1 1

Wargear: Hand weapon (of the player's choice), armour. A Mercenary Fighter can be given a shield for +5 points, and +[1 Influence Point].

If you wish, you can change the race of your Mercenary Fighter to fit a certain theme. In this case, change the Man keyword to the relevant one (either Elf, Dwarf, Hobbit, Orc, Goblin or Uruk- hai), though most of their characteristics remain the same. The Mercenary Fighter's Move value will change depending on their race. A Dwarf or Goblin will reduce their Move value to 5", whilst a Hobbit will reduce their Move value to 4" — all other races' Move values remain at 6".

Loyalty is Fleeting — At the end of each game, after Influence Points have been spent, your Battle Company must pay a Mercenary Fighter to retain their services. In order to keep a Mercenary Fighter, your Company must spend 2 Influence Points; if this cannot be done then the Mercenary Fighter leaves — remove them from your roster.

  • SAGE 50 POINTS [9 Influence Points]

Wizards are not the only beings that have magical abilities, though rare there are others that have learned, or been taught, to harness magic in order to help those in need and provide wisdom to those they meet.

A Sage is a Hero that cannot gain Experience Points, and will roll on the Hero Injury chart as normal. A Sage cannot be bought additional Equipment. A Sage has the following profile and has the Man, Infantry and Hero keywords. Only Good Battle Companies may hire a Sage.

Mv F S D A W C M W F
6" 3/4+ 3 3 1 2 6 1 3 1

Wargear: Dagger & two-handed staff.

The Sages in Middle-earth vary greatly in their knowledge. When you hire a Sage, roll on the chart below to discover what Magical Power they know, and what they can attempt to cast it on.

D6 Result
1 Aura of Dismay (4+)
2 Immobilise (3+)
3 Blinding Light (2+)
4 Call Winds (3+)
5 Enchanted Blades (3+)
6 Choose any of the above

  • SHAMAN 50 POINTS [9 Influence Points]

There are some creatures in the dark places of the world that have come to know malign sorceries. Quite how they gained their powers is unknown, but it is not unheard of for them to join a Battle Company as they cause destruction in the Dark Lord's name.

A Shaman is a Hero that cannot gain Experience Points, and will roll on the Hero Injury chart as normal. A Shaman cannot be bought additional Equipment. They have the following profile and has Man, Infantry and Hero keywords. Only Evil Battle Companies may hire a Shaman.

Mv F S D A W C M W F
6" 3/4+ 3 4 1 2 4 1 3 1

Wargear: Dagger & staff.

You may choose to change the Man keyword to one of the following: Goblin, Orc or Uruk-hai. Whichever keyword your Shaman has replaces the X in Fury (X) below so that their Fury Magical Power (should they have it) will always affect those of the same race as the Shaman. A Goblin will reduce their Move value to 5".

Shamans in Middle-earth vary greatly in their knowledge. When you hire a Shaman, roll on the chart below to discover what Magical Power they know, and what they can attempt to cast it on.

D6 Result
1 Fury (X) (4+)
2 Transfix (3+)
3 Flameburst (4+)
4 Wither (4+)
5 Instill Fear (5+)
6 Choose any of the above

  • VAGABOND 3 POINTS [3 Influence Points]

Not all who reside in Middle-earth are fortunate enough to belong to a realm or kingdom, there are some who have been cast out and live alone in the wilderness. These vagabonds will often try to latch onto a passing Battle Company in order to try to win their favour and with it a second chance.

A Vagabond is a Warrior that cannot gain Experience Points or become a Hero, and will roll on the Warrior Injury chart as normal. A Vagabond has the following profile and has the Man, Infantry and Warrior keywords.

Mv F S D A W C
6" 2/5+ 3 3 1 1 3

Wargear: Dagger.

HardyYears of wandering the wilderness has made this Vagabond used to the hardships of travel, and has given them knowledge of the terrain around them, which they will readily share with their new companions.

A Vagabond, and any friendly models within 6" of them, does not suffer any penalties for moving through difficult terrain.

  • WANDERING DWARF 50 POINTS [9 Influence Points]

Dwarves commonly wander Middle-earth for many reasons; to venture out from their homesteads in search of fortune, to hone their skills in the wilds, or simply to hunt down the foes of their people. It is not uncommon for these Dwarves to come across a company of travelers that share their own ambitions.

If a Battle Company hires a Wandering Dwarf, they will count as a Hero that cannot gain Experience Points — although they will still roll on the Hero Injury chart as normal. A Wandering Dwarf does not provide a Stand Fast! and other members of the Battle Company cannot benefit from its Heroic Actions. Only Good Battle Companies may hire a Wandering Dwarf. A Wandering Dwarf has the following profile and has the Dwarf, Infantry and Hero keywords.

Mv F S D A W C M W F
6" 5/3+ 4 6 2 2 5 1 1 1

Wargear: Axe & shield.

Special Rules: Mountain Dweller.

  • WANDERING ELF 50 POINTS [9 Influence Points]

Throughout Middle-earth's rich history, many Elves have been known to wander its paths for reasons known only unto them. Sometimes they will offer help to those in need and accompany a band of travelers on their journey.

If a Battle Company hires a Wandering Elf, they will count as a Hero that cannot gain Experience Points — although they will still roll on the Hero Injury chart as normal. A Wandering Elf does not provide a Stand Fast! and other members of the Battle Company cannot benefit from their Heroic Actions. Only Good Battle Companies may hire a Wandering Elf. A Wandering Elf has the following profile and has the Elf, Infantry and Hero keywords.

Mv F S D A W C M W F
6" 6/3+ 4 4 2 2 6 1 1 1

Wargear: Elven-made hand-and-a-half sword, Elf bow.

Special Rules: Woodland Creature.


Battle Companies will often utilise a series of creatures to aid them in their travels. From humble packhorses loaded with provisions, equipment and bedding, to vicious beasts that can be set upon any who attempt to attack the company, there are numerous different creatures from all over Middle-earth that provide a certain use to a Battle Company.

Here we present a series of Creatures that can be included in your Battle Company, each with their own effects. When a Creature is purchased, it must be attached to your leader or one of their Sergeants — as such it does not take up a space on your Battle Company roster. Each Hero may only ever have a single Creature. As a Battle Company can only ever have a maximum of one leader and two Sergeants, there can only ever be a maximum of three Creatures in your Battle Company at any one time.

Creatures can never gain Experience Points, cannot be bought wargear or Equipment, and can never be promoted; they will roll on the Warrior Injury chart if slain. If the Hero that owns the Creature is slain, the Creature is considered to have perished or fled from the battlefield — remove it from your roster.


The races of Men and Elves have long utilised birds of prey to aid them in hunting. These intelligent birds can spot hidden enemies well before their owners, and can attack with their sharp talons and beaks if needed.

Mv F S D A W C
3" 2/6+ 3 3 1 1 3
  • Special Rules: Fly

  • Keen Sight — Enemy models within 12" of a Falcon that is separate from its Hero may not benefit from the Stalk Unseen special rule.

A Falcon starts the game upon the arm of its master rather than on the board. At the start of any turn in which the Falcon is on their Hero model's arm, the Hero may release the Falcon — place it anywhere within 3" of the Hero. Whilst separate from its Hero, the Falcon may move independently. If, during the End phase of any turn, a Falcon is within 3" of their Hero, it may choose to land back on their Hero model's arm. Remove the Falcon from the board. Whilst upon the Hero model's arm, the Falcon cannot be targeted, attacked or hit with shooting attacks, and will not provide an In The Way roll for their Hero.

  • Only Hero models that have the Man or Elf keyword may take a Falcon.


Often a Battle Company will load their belongings onto a packhorse in order for themselves to be able to travel lighter. A packhorse will often be laden with additional wargear, equipment or weaponry that the company can swap between during their travels.

Mv F S D A W C
10" 2/6+ 3 4 1 1 3

Laden with baggage — A Packhorse may carry up to 15 Small pieces of Equipment, weapons or additional wargear on its back — these still need to be paid for in your Battle Company's cost. Whilst these pieces are on the Packhorse, the company gains no benefit from them. However, any member of a Battle Company that begins its turn in base contact with the Packhorse may swap one of its pieces of wargear, Equipment or weapons for an equivalent piece from the Packhorse. Note that no matter how many bows of any kind are carried by the Packhorse, your Battle Company must still abide by their Bow Limit and may never be carrying more bows of any kind than they could normally at any one time.


A fierce and loyal hound is an even better companion than the bravest of warriors. Many leaders will be accompanied by a hunting dog, which will fight at its master's side with an unrivalled loyalty.

Mv F S D A W C
8" 3/6+ 3 3 1 1 *

* A Hunting Dog always has the same Courage value as its master.

Only Hero models that have the Man or Hobbit keyword may take a Hunting Dog.

  • RAVEN (RAVEN, INFANTRY, WARRIOR) 4 POINTS [3 Influence Points]

In some Dwarven folklore, Ravens are said to bring good fortune to Durin's Folk, and some Dwarves take these birds with them upon their travels. The sight of a Raven near the battlefield inspires Dwarvish folk and steels them against their foes.

Mv F S D A W C
3" 2/6+ 2 2 1 1 3

Special Rules: Fly

Herald of Durin — Friendly Dwarf models within 6" of a Raven that is separate from its Hero, that can draw Line of Sight to it, count as being in range of a banner.

A Raven starts the game upon the arm of its master rather than on the board. At the start of any turn in which the Raven is on their Hero model's arm, the Hero may release the Raven — place it anywhere within 3" of the Hero. Whilst separate from its Hero, the Raven may move independently. If, during the End phase of any turn, a Raven is within 3" of their Hero, it may choose to land back on their Hero model's arm. Remove the Raven from the board. Whilst upon the Hero model's arm, the Raven cannot be targeted, attacked or hit with shooting attacks, and will not provide an In The Way roll for their Hero.

Only Hero models that have the Dwarf keyword may take a Raven.


Dwelling in the eastern lands of Middle-earth, these territorial reptilian creatures harbour a vicious nature. Their powerful jaws can snap a man's arm in two, and the venom they inject into their prey slowly leaves them weakened and helpless. It is little wonder that leaders from the east hold these creatures in high esteem; for owning one provides with it a certain status.

Mv F S D A W C
6" 4/6+ 4 4 1 2 4

Special Rules: Venom

Slow-acting Venom — Any model that suffers a Wound from a Rhûnish Drake, but is not slain, reduces their Fight value and Attacks by 1 (to a minimum of 1) for the remainder of the game.

Only a Battle Company leader may take a Rhûnish Drake.

Only Hero models that have the Easterling or Khandish keyword may take a Rhûnish Drake.


Some Orcs have managed to 'tame' one of the wild Wargs that roam the lands of Middle-earth, yet this is not for them to ride. Instead the Warg will protect its master from enemies and those within their own Battle Company that would try to slit their master's throat.

Mv F S D A W C
10" 3/6+ 4 4 1 1 2

Only Hero models that have the Orc or Goblin keyword may take a Wild Warg.