Using Your Company in Larger Games

One of the most common questions that gets asked by players of Battle Companies is can they use the company they have spent a lot of time building and taking on adventures in other games of the Strategy Battle Game, and the answer is quite simply: yes, you can!

Using your Battle Company in larger games is absolutely fine, so long as both you and your opponent agree on this beforehand, of course. It often makes for a good game if both players use their Battle Company as part of a larger force from the same faction, that way it feels as if your company has joined their kinsmen upon the battlefield and that all of their adventures have been leading up to this one final defining moment.

If you are playing an Open Play game, this is really simple. Just decide on what you want your game to be, and the forces that your companies are going to fight alongside and get going! Perhaps your company has to hold an area of the battlefield whilst their allies are trying to rescue them. Maybe your company has led a larger army to an enemy outpost and now they must join them as they try to capture it from their foes. Whatever story you come up with, Open Play lends itself perfectly to using your Battle Companies in larger games.

You can also use your Battle Company in friendly Matched Play games with your friends. Simply work out the points value of your Battle Company, using the system outlined on page 9, and the company will cost that many points for a Matched Play game. Using your Battle Company in Matched Play games can throw up some interesting Scenarios for you to play. For example, perhaps you want to pit your company against a force of an equal points value and see how they fare. You could do this by finding an enemy Hero of a similar points cost to your leader and pit them against each other to see who would come out on top.

When playing a Matched Play game using your Battle Company, there are a few additional things you should note as you play:

  • When deploying your Battle Company, treat the whole company as a single warband, with the company's leader as the captain of the warband. Ignore the other rules and restrictions for building a warband when doing this.

  • Your Battle Company will count as being from the same army list as where their Hero and Warrior models are from for the purposes of Allies and whether the army will receive its Army Bonus. For example, a Minas Tirith Battle Company will count as being from the Minas Tirith army list, and a Kârna Battle Company will count as being from the Serpent Horde army list.

  • If a Battle Company has models from more than one army list then the company will count as being from the army list that the leader of the company would normally be from. For example, a Men of the West Battle Company with a Warrior of Rohan as the leader would count as being from the Rohan army list; a Men of the West Battle Company with a Knight of Dol Amroth as the leader would count as being from the Fiefdoms army list.

  • The leader of your Battle Company will always count as a Hero of Fortitude for the purposes of working out the leader of your overall army.

  • Members of your Battle Company may still generate Experience Points in the same ways as described on page 7.

  • Any members of your Battle Company that were removed as a casualty will still suffer Injuries, and therefore roll on the relevant Injury chart, as they would in normal Battle Companies games as described on page 10.

  • Battle Companies are not designed to be used in tournament or competition play, only in friendly Matched Play games.

On the next page is an additional Matched Play Scenario that you can use if only one player is using a Battle Company, and on pages 116-117 is a Scenario that you can use if both players are using their Battle Companies in a game.