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Evil Battle Companies


Mordor; a barren and desolate land filled with darkness and evil creatures in the service of Sauron. Nothing good can grow in this vile realm, and those who dwell there are driven by malice and cruelty. In the shadows of this blighted place, packs of Orcs skulk in the dark, their leaders constantly looking for opportunities to improve their standing within Sauron’s armies, keeping one eye out for inevitable acts of treachery from their underlings. When these packs become renowned within the land of Mordor, they are often commanded by the Great Eye to leave the Black Lands to bring devastation upon Middle-earth. These packs will then thieve, raid, and murder their way into the favor of Sauron. Often, they will attack the outposts of Gondor, Rohan, or even further afield, all the time looking to strengthen the influence of the Dark Lord and wreak as much havoc as they can.


3x Mordor Orc with shield

2x Mordor Orc with spear

2x Mordor Orc with two-handed weapon

2x Mordor Orc with Orc bow


D6 Result
1 Nothing
2 Mordor Orc with Orc bow
3 Mordor Orc with two-handed weapon
4 Mordor Orc with spear
5 Mordor Orc with shield
6 Roll on Special chart


D6 Result
1 Orc Tracker
2 Warg Rider
3 Morgul Stalker
4 Mordor Uruk-hai
5 Black Guard of Barad-dûr
6 Black Númenórean


Orcish Brawler – When fighting against the odds, the hero reveals their most savage nature. Hacking and slashing at their enemy in order to prolong their own life. If this Hero is outnumbered during a Fight, then they gain a bonus of +1 to both their Fight and Attacks values.


Mordor Orc with shield – Morannon Orc with shield

Mordor Orc with spear – Morannon Orc with spear

Mordor Orc with two-handed weapon – Warg Rider

Mordor Orc with Orc bow – Orc Tracker

Mordor Uruk-hai – Black Guard of Barad-dûr

Black Númenórean – Morgul Knight


To the west of Mordor is Cirith Ungol, a fortress that guards the pass that runs through the mountains between Mordor and Gondor. This tall and imposing structure is garrisoned by a rabble of Orcs and Mordor Uruk-hai, two factions that constantly bicker with each other over who truly commands the forces stationed within the tower. They are the first line of defence against whatever should come through the pass, whether that be Elves, Men, or something more sinister. Under the orders of the commanders of the tower, bands of Orcs and Uruk-hai are sent into the pass to patrol its borders in search of anyone brave (or foolish) enough to attempt to cross it, knowing full well that they risk being entwined in the clutches of Shelob, who lurks within its dank tunnels. It has been known for these bands to be set upon by lesser spiders, and sometimes they manage to fend off and ‘control’ them for long enough that they can utilise them against their enemies in times of need.


2x Mordor Orc with shield

2x Mordor Orc with spear

1x Mordor Orc with Orc bow

3x Mordor Uruk-hai


Mordor Orc with Orc bow – Orc Tracker


'We’re in Charge!' (Orcs and Uruk-hai only) – Constantly trying to prove they are the better race, the Orcs and Uruk-hai of Cirith Ungol will try everything to outdo each other.

  • If the Hero is an Orc, they gain a bonus of +1 To Wound whilst within 2" of a friendly Uruk-hai. If the Hero is an Uruk-hai, they gain a bonus of +1 To Wound whilst within 2" of a friendly Orc.

Bloated Creature (Spider only) – Countless years spent feasting on the blood of its catch has made the frame of this creature swell beyond its natural size, causing all but the most precise blows to fall short of their mark.

  • Whenever this Hero suffers a Wound, roll a D6. On a 5+, the Wound is ignored, exactly as if 1 point of Fate had been spent.


D6 Result
1 Nothing
2-3 Mordor Orc with choice of weaponry
4-5 Mordor Uruk-hai with choice of weaponry
6 Giant Spider


Once a proud city of Gondor, Minas Morgul has long been under the Dark Lord’s control. Now known as the Tower of Sorcery, Minas Morgul is the home of the Nazgûl and their legions of Orcs, spirits, and other creatures. The dead city is not a place that any would willingly venture into, except those under the direct influence of the Nazgûl. As the Dark Lord’s search for the Ring of Power continues, the Nazgûl constantly send their own followers to tread the paths of Middle-earth in search of the Ring. Alongside the Orcs that are commonplace within Mordor, the Nazgûl send small numbers of highly skilled Black Númenóreans to take charge of these companies and to make sure the Orcs stay in line.


  • 2x Mordor Orc with shield
  • 2x Mordor Orc with spear
  • 2x Mordor Orc with Orc bow
  • 2x Black Númenórean


  • Mordor Orc with Orc bow – Orc Tracker
  • Black Númenórean – Morgul Knight


'Morgul Weaponry' – The weapons forged within the citadel of Minas Morgul are infused with malice and dark sorcery, powerful enough to drain the living. Each time this Hero inflicts an unsaved Wound on an enemy model, roll a D6. On a 4+, that model suffers an additional Wound (Fate may still be used as normal).


D6 Result
1 Nothing
2 Mordor Orc with Orc bow
3 Mordor Orc with two-handed weapon
4 Mordor Orc with spear
5 Mordor Orc with shield
6 Roll on Special chart


D6 Result
1-2 Morgul Stalker
3-4 Black Númenórean
5-6 Dead Marsh Spectre (Rare 3)

A Dead Marsh Spectre cannot gain Experience and therefore can never become a Hero.


As the White Wizard has fallen from grace, Isengard has done much the same. Gone are the trees and the green fields; uprooted, destroyed, and replaced by machines and industry. The fires of Isengard never cease, the forges constantly churning out weapons, armour, and contraptions of war in order to arm Saruman’s fighting Uruk-hai against the races of Men, Elves, and Dwarves. Saruman regularly sends forth companies of Uruk-hai to raid and burn the villages of Men, spreading fear and panic to increase the Wizard’s dominance. None felt this more than the land of Rohan, whose settlements and villages were burned to the ground by these bands. The Uruk-hai who lead these warbands are vicious and bloodthirsty warriors, the very best of Saruman’s fledgling army, looking to prove themselves worthy to lead the White Wizard’s eventual siege upon Helm’s Deep.


  • 2x Uruk-hai Scout
  • 3x Uruk-hai Scout with shield
  • 2x Uruk-hai Scout with Orc bow


  • Uruk-hai Scout with shield – Uruk-hai Warrior with shield
  • Uruk-hai Scout – Uruk-hai Warrior with pike
  • Uruk-hai Scout with Orc bow – Uruk-hai Warrior with crossbow


D6 Result
1 Nothing
2 Uruk-hai Scout
3 Uruk-hai Scout with choice of weapon
4 Uruk-hai Warrior with shield
5 Uruk-hai Warrior with choice of weapon
6 Roll on Special chart


D6 Result
1-3 Feral Uruk-hai
4-6 Uruk-hai Berserker


'You Shall Taste Man-flesh!' – The hero’s lust for flesh drives them into a bloodthirsty rage, spurring them forth into battle. This Hero receives a bonus of +1 To Wound when making Strikes against models with the Man keyword.


Uruk-hai Grog – Small (2) (Hero only) – 4 Influence Points

  • A Hero may elect to use their Uruk-hai Grog at the start of any game. If they do so, remove it from the Hero model’s profile. Every model within the Hero model’s Battle Company may re-roll a single D6 when making a Duel roll for the duration of that game.


The wolves of Isengard, known as Warg Riders, serve as the scouts of Saruman’s army, employed by the Wizard to ambush and harass his enemies. The sound of baying Wargs heralds their imminent arrival, and few witnesses live to tell the tale. Leaders of these packs are ambitious and cunning Orcs who view their role as a chance to improve their standing, gaining the best plunder and feeding their Wargs the freshest kills. These packs also include unridden Wargs, either too wild or not yet subdued by their Orc riders. Saruman’s Warg Riders roam across Middle-earth in search of fresh kills and valuable loot to aid the White Wizard in his quest for The One Ring.


2x Wild Warg

2x Warg Rider with shield

1x Warg Rider with Orc bow


D6 Result
1 Nothing
2 Wild Warg
3 2x Wild Warg
4 Warg Rider with Orc bow
5 Warg Rider with throwing spears
6 Warg Rider with shield


Wild Warg – Warg Rider with choice of weapon


'Vicious Battle Scars' – The ferocity of the Warg is well-documented by the array of scars and flesh wounds it possesses. Such viciousness is enough to strike fear into the hearts of those that must face this fearsome creature.

The Hero model’s mount (or itself if the Hero is a Wild Warg) causes Terror.


When Saruman’s treachery was finally revealed, he called upon more than just Orcs and Uruk-hai to wage war upon the kingdom of Rohan. The Dunlending people hated the Rohirrim for centuries, and they required little persuasion to join the White Wizard’s cause to see to the destruction of those they have fought to supplant for many years. While most of the Dunlendings joined Saruman’s standing armies, some were gathered together and sent out to raid the settlements of Rohan in secret, causing panic before the main armies of Isengard would attack. These bands would often venture into the wider lands of Middle-earth in order to raid and pillage other settlements, gaining wealth and renown amongst their people as they slaughtered those in their path.


  • 2x Dunlending Warrior with shield
  • 1x Dunlending Warrior with two-handed axe
  • 1x Dunlending Warrior with bow
  • 4x Wildmen of Dunland


  • Wildman of Dunland – Dunlending Warrior with choice of weapon


D6 Result
1 Nothing
2-4 Wildman of Dunland
5-6 Dunlending Warrior with choice of weapon


'Frenzied Fighter' – Having been whipped into a maddened state by the words of the White Wizard, the Hero shrugs off all but the most grievous wounds in order to fight to the last. Roll a D6 each time the Hero suffers a Wound. On a 5+, the Wound is ignored.


Following his army’s defeat at Helm’s Deep, and his subsequent banishment from Isengard, Saruman, under the guise of an old withered man named Sharkey, made his way west to the Shire. There, he gathered Ruffians and wild men, hatching a scheme to take control over the Shire and the Halflings living there as vengeance for the defeat that the Travellers had brought upon him.

After plotting and buying his way into control over the Shire, Sharkey assumed full command under the name of ‘The Chief’ and sent bands of his Ruffians across the Shire and surrounding lands to spread his will. Some of these groups of Ruffians and wild men would often venture a bit further than instructed, bullying local villages, especially if there was some extra money to be had.


  • 3x Ruffian
  • 2x Ruffian with bow
  • 1x Ruffian with whip
  • 3x Wildmen of Dunland


D6 Result
1 Nothing
2 Wildman of Dunland
3 Ruffian
4 Ruffian with whip
5 Ruffian with bow
6 Orc Warrior with choice of weapon


'Strength in Numbers' – The hero is no more than a bully, and is in their element when fighting with the odds in their favour.

If the Hero is involved in a Fight where there are more friendly models than enemy models, the Hero gains a bonus of +1 when rolling To Wound.


Since the coming of the Balrog and the rout of the Dwarves, Moria’s halls have resounded to the clamour of a different kind. Sonorous drum beats and the gleeful cackle of Goblin-kin echo where once hammer fell and harps were played. Unlike the realms of Man and Orc, Moria is a domain constantly driven by internal strife, as the fractious Goblins who dwell there jostle for power and wealth with one another, and battles are fought between rival factions for control of a particular hall or possession of some tarnished treasure or another.

In the deeps of Moria, gaining power is no easy thing, and holding onto it is even harder – any Goblin with aspirations to rule will fight to rally followers to their cause, while the many self-styled Goblin kings will unleash their warbands to forage for supplies and treasure (with which they can lure in more Goblins to their cause). This chaotic situation inevitably means there is no shortage of Goblins patrolling not only the mines of Moria, but for leagues around in every direction, fighting against Men, Elves and Dwarves, but also each other in their self-defeating quest for supremacy.


4x Moria Goblin with shield

4x Moria Goblin with spear

3x Moria Goblin with Orc bow

A Moria Battle Company may hire a Cave Troll for 15 Influence Points. A Cave Troll is a Warrior that cannot be promoted or gain Experience, and therefore cannot become a Hero. It will roll on the Warrior Injury chart. A Moria Battle Company may have up to 20 models, rather than 15.


Moria Goblin with shield – Moria Blackshield

Moria Goblin with spear – Moria Blackshield with spear

Moria Goblin with Orc bow – Moria Goblin Prowler


D6 Result
1 Nothing
2 Moria Goblin with Orc bow
3 Moria Goblin with spear
4 Moria Goblin with shield
5 2x Moria Goblin with choice of weapon
6 Roll on Special chart


D6 Result
1-3 Moria Goblin Prowler
4-6 Moria Blackshield


'Treacherous Leader' – Cowardly leaders at the best of times, Goblin heroes will gladly sacrifice their ‘allies’ to see that they live to fight another day.

Every time this Hero suffers a Wound in combat that would result in it being slain, after Fate points have been spent, roll a D6. On a 2+, the Hero may select another friendly model within 1" of itself; that model suffers the Wound instead of the Hero. Models that suffer Wounds in this way may still use Fate points as normal.


Whilst the Goblin-infested realm of Moria is splintered into countless factions all vying for their place at the top, the neighboring realm of Goblin-town suffers no such problems. For atop the throne of this blighted kingdom sits the bloated Goblin King, a vile and ruthless leader who towers over his Goblin subjects. The Goblins under their king’s rule are constantly sent out on hunting parties to cause destruction in the Goblin King’s name, or to quell any that plot to overthrow their blubbery overlord. Yet in more recent years, news of the price put upon the head of Thorin Oakenshield has seen these hunting parties put to a different use; hunting down the would-be Dwarf king and bringing him to his knees before The Goblin King.


  • 10x Goblin Warrior
  • 2x Goblin Warrior with two-handed weapon
  • A Goblin-town Battle Company may have up to 25 models, rather than 15.


Goblin Warrior – Goblin Mercenary


D6 Result
1 Nothing
2-3 Goblin Warrior
4-5 Goblin Warrior with two-handed weapon
6 2x Goblin Warrior


'Backstabber' – When its victim is unable to escape, the Hero becomes even more deadly, viciously hacking at their foe until their life has ebbed away.

The Hero gains the 'Backstabbers' special rule.


As the power of the Witch-king of Angmar grew, the realm of Arnor began to wane. Its once proud cities fell into ruin and disrepair, a prime target for the forces of Angmar to assail and conquer. Under the Witch-king’s command, Orc warbands would attack these fallen cities, delivering them to their dark ruler; for only a few Orcs would be needed to prise these cities from the depleted forces of Arnor. These warbands were led by the most opportunistic of all the Angmar Orcs, those whose main aim is to plunder, backstab, and murder their way to the head of the Witch-king’s armies. Yet there were more than mere Orcs in these warbands. Often the relentless cries of the Orcs lured to them the spirits of those long since dead. Now bound to the power of the Witch-king, these spirits would sometimes fight alongside the living – if the Witch-king willed it.


3x Angmar Orc with shield

2x Angmar Orc with spear

2x Angmar Orc with two-handed weapon

2x Angmar Orc with Orc bow


Angmar Orc with two-handed weapon – Angmar Warg Rider

Angmar Orc with Orc bow – Orc Tracker


D6 Result
1 Nothing
2 Angmar Orc with Orc bow
3 Angmar Orc with two-handed weapon
4 Angmar Orc with spear
5 Angmar Orc with shield
6 Roll on Special chart


D6 Result
1-2 Orc Tracker
3-4 Angmar Warg Rider
5-6 Dead Marsh Spectre (Rare 3). A Dead Marsh Spectre cannot gain Experience and therefore cannot become a Hero.


'Gaze of the Dead' – Resurrected by the dark power of the Witch-king, the hero now possesses the ability to freeze the hearts of its enemies, leaving them rooted to the spot.

During its Move phase, the Hero may target a single enemy model within 6". The target must then take a Courage test. If the test is passed, the target is unaffected. If the test is failed, the target may not move for the remainder of the turn.


At the northernmost peaks of The Misty Mountains lies the fortress of Gundabad, the gateway to the fell kingdom of Angmar. Within its walls are harboured hosts of Gundabad Orcs, monsters and other vicious creatures, bred specifically for the purpose of waging war upon the enemies of the Dark Lord. Under the orders of Bolg, the Castellan of Mount Gundabad, small bands of Orcs and other foul creatures ventured forth from the fortress’ bowels in order to wreak havoc and destruction upon Middle-earth. These bands attacked outposts, raided settlements, and engaged travelling warbands in brutal melee, all in the name of the Dark Lord.


  • 2x Gundabad Orc with shield
  • 2x Gundabad Orc with spear
  • 4x Goblin Mercenary

A Gundabad Battle Company may hire a Gundabad Ogre for 15 Influence Points. A Gundabad Ogre is a Warrior that cannot be promoted or gain Experience, and therefore cannot become a Hero. It will roll on the Warrior Injury chart.


D6 Result
1 Nothing
2 Fell Warg
3 Goblin Mercenary
4 Gundabad Orc with shield
5 Gundabad Orc with spear
6 Roll on Special chart


D6 Result
1-4 Gundabad Berserker
5-6 War Bat (Rare 2)
A War Bat cannot gain Experience and therefore cannot become a Hero.


'Devastating Strike' – The hero composes themselves, raising their weapon high above their head in order to deliver a single bone-shattering blow. At the start of any Duel, before any dice are rolled, the Hero may choose to reduce their Attacks characteristic to 1. If they do so, they will gain an additional +1 to any To Wound rolls for the remainder of the Duel.


Within the southern reaches of the Greenwood, the old fortress of Dol Guldur was long thought to have been abandoned many years ago. As the years of the Third Age rolled on, a darkness fell upon its ruined walls. It was believed that a sorcerer now dwelt within its crumbling foundations, and that Evil emanated from it. In time, the woodsmen would no longer call the forest Greenwood. It would become known by a new name – Mirkwood. The truth was far worse than even the woodsmen could have imagined, for it was no mere sorcerer who dwelt within Dol Guldur, but the Dark Lord himself. Sauron had drawn all manner of Orcs and Wargs to his power, including the forces of Azog the Defiler. The Pale Orc still thirsted for the blood of Thorin Oakenshield, and news of the company’s travels had reached the Orc’s ears. With this new knowledge, Azog would send out warbands of Orcs and Wargs in search of the Dwarven travellers, their sole purpose to obtain the head of Thorin Oakenshield.


2x Hunter Orc

1x Hunter Orc with Orc bow

1x Hunter Orc with two-handed weapon

2x Fell Warg


Hunter Orc – Hunter Orc riding Fell Warg with equivalent wargear

Fell Warg – Hunter Orc riding Fell Warg


D6 Result
1 Nothing
2 Fell Warg
3 Hunter Orc
4 Hunter Orc with choice of weapon
5 Gundabad Orc with shield
6 Gundabad Orc with spear


Power of the Necromancer – The hero has been infused with the dark sorcery of the Necromancer, prolonging its life beyond normal limits. Each time this Hero suffers a Wound, roll a D6. On a 5+, the Wound is ignored exactly as if a point of Fate had been spent.


As the Third Age progressed, the forest of Mirkwood changed drastically. No longer was it the lush and pleasant Greenwood the Great, instead it had developed into a dark and twisted forest, filled with hidden terrors and long-lost pathways that no longer led to anything but the doom of those that followed them.

Within the sickly trees of this tainted forest, small packs of vicious Fell Wargs roam, seeking out those that have gotten lost within the trees that would make for a quick and easy meal. The spiders that dwell within the boughs will often follow the Wargs on their hunts from high up in the canopy, hoping to ensnare any unfortunate victims in their webs as a tasty morsel for later.


  • 2x Mirkwood Spider
  • 3x Fell Warg


D6 Result
1-2 Mirkwood Spider
3-4 Giant Spider
5-6 Bat Swarm

A Bat Swarm cannot gain Experience and therefore can never become a Hero.

A Note on Broodlings: If you already have three Broodlings in your company, and you roll another one for a Reinforcements roll, treat the roll as a Fell Warg instead. The profiles for Broodlings can be found within the Spider Queen’s profile (see page 115 of Armies of The Hobbit).


D6 Result
1 Nothing
2 Broodling (Rare 3)
3-5 Fell Warg
6 Roll on Special chart


Ravenous Charge (Warg only) – Within its state of constant hunger, the Warg hurls itself at its prey with force enough to send it sprawling to the floor. The Hero gains the Extra Attack and Knock to the Ground bonuses as if it were a Cavalry model.

Bloated Creature (Spider only) – Countless years spent feasting on the blood of its prey has made the frame of this creature swell beyond its natural size, causing all but the most precise blows to fall short of their mark. Whenever this Hero suffers a Wound, roll a D6. On a 5+, the Wound is ignored exactly as if a point of Fate had been spent.


In the vast desert wastes of Harad, large kingdoms and realms are a rare thing to find. Most Haradrim live in small tribes, each with its own hierarchy, which lies under the influence of greater warlords. The chieftains of these tribes possess a ruthless streak, a necessity in Harad for those who wish to keep their power and not meet an untimely death. Haradrim who live in these tribes will form raiding parties, bands of cruel Men that ride out to pillage and raid the outposts and southernmost settlements of Gondor and her Fiefdoms. These raids are often quick and bloody, with many good Men being felled by the Haradrim’s black-fletched arrows. Although these acts of war are born out of need to gather provisions to survive, it has since become ingrained into Haradrim culture, with raiding parties constantly heading out as much for enjoyment than anything else.


4x Haradrim Warrior with spear

4x Haradrim Warrior with bow

Unlike other Battle Companies, a Harad Battle Company may have up to 50% of its models armed with a bow rather than 33%.


Haradrim Warrior with bow – Haradrim Raider with bow

Haradrim Warrior with spear – Haradrim Raider with war spear

Serpent Guard – Serpent Rider


D6 Result
1 Nothing
2-3 Haradrim Warrior with spear
4-5 Haradrim Warrior with bow
6 Roll on Special chart


D6 Result
1 Haradrim Raider with bow
2 Haradrim Raider with war spear
3 Serpent Guard
4 Serpent Rider
5 Watcher of Kârna
6 Abrakhân Guard


'Master of Poisons' – The hero has mastered the study of the vile toxins of the Haradrim, and coats the blades of their weapons in the most potent of these. This Hero must re-roll all failed To Wound rolls.


Within the deserts of Harad lies the haunted city of Kârna. Quite what happened to this city and its people remains unknown, yet the faint sounds of wails and clashing metal can be heard within it. The Haradrim that live near to the city have the duty of protecting the realm of Harad from what dwells there, serving as watchers to ensure that no spectral beings should bring harm to their people.

Though the people of Kârna seek to protect their own, they are still every bit as cruel as the Haradrim from elsewhere, and will readily venture on raids in order to secure wealth for themselves. There have even been whispers of warbands managing to bind a spirit from the haunted city to their will, and leading it to war.


  • 2x Haradrim Warrior with spear
  • 2x Haradrim Warrior with bow
  • 2x Watcher of Kârna with twin blades
  • 1x Watcher of Kârna with bow

Unlike other Battle Companies, a Kârna Battle Company may have up to 50% of its models armed with a bow rather than 33%. The three Watchers of Kârna must be your leader and Sergeants when you start your Battle Company.


D6 Result
1 Nothing
2-3 Haradrim Warrior with spear
4-5 Haradrim Warrior with bow
6 Roll on Special chart


D6 Result
1 Warrior of Kârna with bow
2 Warrior of Kârna with spear
3-5 Watcher of Kârna
6 Spectral Warrior (Rare 1)

A Spectral Warrior has the same profile as a Warrior of the Dead. However, they cannot gain Experience and therefore cannot become a Hero.


Master of the Haunted City – The hero has spent much time within the walls of Kârna, giving them a strange and mysterious aura about them. The Hero causes Terror.


  • Haradrim Warrior with bow – Warrior of Kârna with bow
  • Haradrim Warrior with spear – Warrior of Kârna with spear
  • Warrior of Kârna with bow – Watcher of Kârna with bow
  • Warrior of Kârna with spear – Watcher of Kârna with twin blades

A Warrior of Kârna has a Shoot value of 3+, instead of 4+.


Far to the south of Gondor, even further than the Haradrim, dwell the Mahûd, a vicious warrior race. There are few who can survive in the harsh desert environment that the Mahûd have adapted to, and those unaccustomed to the scorching heat and arid terrain will succumb to thirst and exhaustion should they remain there for too long. It is because of these harsh conditions that the Mahûd are, out of necessity, a savage race – one that values strength and brutality over all else.

It is not unheard of for an aspiring tribesmaster to gather followers and venture out into Middle-earth to show their strength and gain the loyalty of those around them. It is by mercilessly slaughtering those they encounter that this aspiring tribesmaster will gain renown, and the admiration of those who travel with him. These small bands of Mahûd will seldom return to their own tribe, either perishing in Middle-earth or, if the tribesmaster has become strong enough, forming their own tribe with him as their new king.


2x Mahûd Warrior

2x Mahûd Warrior with blowpipe

2x Mahûd Warrior with spear


Mahûd Warrior – Mahûd Raider

Mahûd Warrior with blowpipe – Mahûd Raider with blowpipe

Mahûd Warrior with spear – Mahûd Raider with war spear


D6 Result
1 Nothing
2 Mahûd Warrior
3 Mahûd Warrior with spear
4 Mahûd Warrior with blowpipe
5 Mahûd Warrior with choice of weapon
6 Roll on Special chart


D6 Result
1-2 Mahûd Raider
3-4 Mahûd Raider with choice of weapon
5-6 Half Troll (Rare 2). A Half Troll cannot gain Experience and therefore cannot become a Hero.


Warrior Pride – The sight of this hero relentlessly fighting their foes is enough to spur their tribal followers forward. If this Hero is Engaged in combat, then models from this Battle Company within 6" of the Hero will automatically pass all Courage tests they are required to make.


War Camel (6/10) – 3 Influence Points

Blowpipe (1/5) – 1 Influence Point


Umbar is a ruthless city where treachery and corruption run rife within its shadowed streets. None that reside there better represent this than the Corsairs who man Umbar’s fleets. The captains of these ships are tyrannical and greedy Men, who will sail the coasts of Gondor and even further with the intent of pillaging the settlements upon the shores. The crew under these captains’ command will often share their lust for plunder, and need little convincing to set off upon the black-sailed ships in search of new settlements to raze to the ground. Once this band of malicious Men has raided a town, stealing whatever they can lay their hands on, they will splinter into smaller bands, each eager to unleash their own devious brand of destruction and murder upon the villages along the coast. The more fear these bands of Evil Men can instill in their enemies, the higher they will rise up the treacherous ranks of the Corsair fleets.


  • 3x Corsair of Umbar with shield
  • 2x Corsair of Umbar with spear
  • 2x Corsair of Umbar with bow


  • Corsair of Umbar with bow – Corsair Arbalester


'Shadows of Umbar' – The corrupt and shadowy streets of Umbar have taught the Hero how to conceal themselves to the untrained eye, making their sudden attacks all the more deadly. If the Hero is partially concealed from view, they cannot be seen at all at distances more than 6" – they appear to melt into the background. This means that enemies cannot Charge or shoot the Hero, nor target them with Magical Powers or special rules at distances greater than 6", unless they have a completely clear view of the Hero.


  • Smoke Bombs (1/5) – 2 Influence Points – These are a throwing weapon with a Strength of 1. Any model hit, but not slain, by these weapons must immediately expend a point of Will or be subjected to the effects of the Transfix Magical Power. Should this model ever roll a 1 To Hit with their Smoke Bombs, then their supply has run out and they cannot use them for the remainder of the game.


D6 Result
1 Nothing
2 Corsair of Umbar with shield
3 Corsair of Umbar with spear
4 Corsair of Umbar with bow
5 Corsair of Umbar with choice of weapon
6 Roll on Special chart


D6 Result
1-3 Corsair Reaver
4-6 Corsair Arbalester


It is said of the Easterlings that there is no mannish culture in Middle-earth so devoted to warfare, with every Easterling, male and female, learning to fight with spear and sword from their youth. Those who take their devotion to martial matters further will supplicate themselves at one of the many warrior shrines across the land, learning the art of bladecraft under the brutal tutelage of the Dragon Knights, in the hope of one day being raised to become one of their chosen 'Black Dragons'. To this end, aspirants will venture forth from their warrior shrine to test themselves, either against other shrines or, preferably, against the dwellers of other lands.

A warband that succeeds in this task does not become rich in the conventional sense, for wealth is of no consequence to those who walk the blade-path. Indeed, any treasures plucked from the fallen are offered to their shrine as proof of their feats in battle. Victories inevitably draw more like-minded soldiers to their ranks, and while many warbands dwindle through defeat, the greatest will return back to their shrine triumphant, faces scarred from battle and their packs bulging with trophies taken from the vanquished.


2x Easterling Warrior with shield

2x Easterling Warrior with pike & shield

2x Easterling Warrior with bow


Easterling Warrior – Black Dragon with equivalent wargear

Easterling Kataphrakt – Black Dragon with equivalent wargear


D6 Result
1 Nothing
2 Easterling Warrior with shield
3 Easterling Warrior with pike & shield
4 Easterling Warrior with bow
5 Easterling Warrior with choice of weapon
6 Easterling Kataphrakt


'Skilled Duelist' – An expert fighter, the Hero seeks out and issues a challenge to the leaders of the opposition, eager to prove themselves against the mightiest opponents in Middle-earth. When fighting an enemy Hero, this Hero may force their opponent to re-roll one of their dice in the Duel roll.


The people of Khand have long been allied with the Dark Lord of Mordor, their 'friendship' with the dark tower having proven extremely profitable over the many years. The Khandish warriors are mercenaries at heart, happy to fight for whomever will pay them the most. Their warriors have spent their lives fighting and raiding the outposts and settlements of the Free Peoples; with such ferocity that it has been deemed is worth paying for. The Khandish tribes are ruled over by chieftains and kings, warriors who command fear and renown through their endeavours in battle. But a budding chieftain cannot hope to rise to fame and fortune by remaining in their homeland. Instead, they must gather together their followers and ride out into Middle-earth to seek riches and fame before returning to Khand to challenge one of the current chieftains or kings.


  • 5x Khandish Warrior
  • 2x Khandish Warrior with bow


Master Skirmisher – The horsemen of Khand are renowned for their skills as skirmishers, picking off the enemies from range or using their momentum to deliver a devastating axe-blow. If the Hero is mounted then they may still fire a bow even if they have moved over half their Move value this turn. Additionally, if the Hero is mounted, they do not suffer the -1 penalty for using a two-handed weapon in a turn in which they Charged.


Khandish Chariot (25/35) (leader only) – 10 Influence Points


D6 Result
1 Nothing
2-3 Khandish Warrior
4-5 Khandish Warrior with bow
6 Khandish Horseman with choice of weapon


Khandish Warrior – Khandish Horseman with equivalent wargear