Defence of the North


"In time, all foul things come forth'"

- Thranduil, The Hobbit: The Desolation ofSmaug


Here we present you with the Defence of the North campaign, a system for linking your games together in such a way that the results of one game can impact your next game or even one much later on! This will join together the already dynamic Narrative Play Scenarios in such a way that it will feel as if you are playing through the scenes directly from the books and the movies.

As you may have already read, this supplement focuses on the battles and events that happened in the northern region of Rhovanion at the time of the War of the Ring. The Easterlings have marched upon the kingdoms of Erebor and Dale, and Sauron has sent hordes of Orcs to assault the Elven realms within Mirkwood and Lothlórien. This campaign is slightly unusual in that it is essentially three shorter campaigns in one. Sauron's plan was to have the Easterlings defeat the forces of Dáin and Brand whilst a host of Orcs conquered Mirkwood. Then the two armies would converge on Lothlórien, joining the army already there, to combine forces and defeat the Galadhrim.

The Defence of the North campaign mirrors this as it starts with the war of the Easterlings against Erebor and Dale, then moves on to the battles in Mirkwood, before finishing with the skirmishes within Lothlórien. Though these battles all happen at roughly the same time, we have decided to separate them out into the three shorter campaigns so that they can be played out individually. Also, the victor in each of these regions will gain bonuses for the battles happening elsewhere.

You can play this campaign with as few as two people, though, if you wish, different players can take control of different Scenarios, that way you can get a whole gaming group involved. However, it is important to note that you should play the Scenarios in order as the results of one Scenario may change how a later one plays...

Another way that you can play this campaign, rather than to play it as one long series of battles, is to play each of the shorter campaigns individually and see which side can win the most; perhaps even having different players doing different parts of the campaign. If the Evil side wins the Battle of Dale, and then the Good side wins the Defence of Mirkwood, then it will be all to play for in the Assault on Lothlórien!

Whichever side wins the final battle in a campaign will be the overall winner of that campaign.


After each Scenario has been completed, it is important to note down which side won that Scenario, either Good or Evil. This is important as, depending on who was victorious, there may be a bonus or penalty to a certain side in a future Scenario. For example, if the Good side is victorious in The Hosts Clash Scenario, then the Good side will receive a bonus in the Plains of Erebor Scenario - the next Scenario in the campaign. These bonuses reflect the advantages of success and the edge it will give either side in the future.





Good: In The Hosts Clash Scenario, Good Hero models may re-roll 1s To Wound when making strikes.

Evil: In The Hosts Clash Scenario, Evil Hero models may re-roll 1s To Wound when making strikes.


Good: In the Plains of Erebor Scenario, if both sides have the same number of models within 3" of the objective, and at least one model each, then the Good player counts as controlling that objective.

Evil: In the Plains of Erebor Scenario, if both sides have the same number of models within 3" of the objective, and at least one model each, then the Evil player counts as controlling that objective.


Good: In the Death of Brand Scenario, Brand may re-roll failed Fate rolls.

Evil: In the Death of Brand Scenario, Dáin starts the game with only a single point of Might.


Good: In the Dáin's Last Stand Scenario, whenever Dáin spends a point of Might roll a D6. On a 5+ the Might point is free.

Evil: In the Dáin's Last Stand Scenario, the Good player only starts the game with nine Iron Hills Dwarves with spear rather than 12.





Good: In the Retreat to Erebor Scenario, the Good player may deploy their models within 15" of the centre of the southern board edge rather than 12".

Evil: In the Retreat to Erebor Scenario, the Good player must take a Courage test for Bard and Thorin before they move. If the test is failed, they cannot move that turn.


Good: In the Siege of Erebor Scenario, the Good player needs to kill 30 enemy models rather than 35 in order to win.

Evil: In the Siege of Erebor Scenario, the Good player needs to kill 40 enemy models rather than 35 in order to win.


Good: In The Tide Turns Scenario, the Dragon Emperor of Rhûn suffers a -1 penalty to his Courage tests whilst within 12" of a Good Hero model.

Evil: In The Tide Turns Scenario, the Dragon Emperor may re-roll failed Courage tests.


Good: In the Defence of Mirkwood campaign, if a Scenario is drawn then the Good player counts as winning.

Evil: In the Defence of Mirkwood campaign, if a Scenario is drawn then the Evil player counts as winning.




Good: In the Burning of Mirkwood Scenario, Tauriel may re-roll To Wound rolls of a 1 when making strikes.

Evil: In the Burning of Mirkwood Scenario, whenever a tree is destroyed, the Evil player may choose to have the D6 re-rolled to determine which direction it falls.


Good: In the Burning of Mirkwood Scenario, Razgûsh starts the game with only a single point of Might.

Evil: In the Burning of Mirkwood Scenario, Orc models gain the Poisoned Weapons special rule for all of their weapons.

ATTACK ON THE BEORNINGS Good: In the Battle under the Trees Scenario, Grimbeorn is added to the Good side. Grimbeorn will enter the board at the start of the Good player's fourth Move phase using the rules for reinforcements. Grimbeorn is automatically in bear form; there is no need to roll for it.

Evil: In the Battle under the Trees Scenario, the Evil player can, once per game, choose to have Priority instead of having to roll for it.


Good: In the Battle under the Trees Scenario, Tauriel re- rolls all failed To Wound rolls when making Strikes.

Evil: In the Battle under the Trees Scenario, Razgûsh re-rolls all failed To Wound rolls when making Strikes.

BATTLE UNDER THE TREES Good: In the Assault on Lothlórien campaign, if a Scenario is drawn then the Good player counts as winning.


Evil: In the Assault on Lothlórien campaign, if a Scenario is drawn then the Evil player counts as winning.




Good: In the Attack on Lórien Scenario, the Good player can, once per game, choose to have Priority instead of having to roll for it.

Evil: In the Attack on Lórien Scenario, Evil models may re-roll a single D6 when attempting to cast the Decay Magical Power.

ATTACK ON LÓRIEN Good: In the Trapped on Both Sides Scenario, the Good player may choose to have the game end on the 11^th^ turn if they wish.

Evil: In the Trapped on Both Sides Scenario, Orophin starts the game with only a single point of Might.


TRAPPED ON BOTH SIDES Good: In the Final Assault on Lothlórien Scenario, Good Hero models may re-roll 1s To Wound when making strikes.

Evil: In the Final Assault on Lothlórien Scenario, Rúmil and Orophin start the game with only a single point of Might each.

FINAL ASSAULT ON LOTHLÓRIEN Good: In the Fall of Dol Guldur Scenario, Galadriel may re-roll a single D6 when attempting to cast the Break Stone Magical Power.

Evil: In the Fall of Dol Guldur Scenario, Galadriel starts the game with only 3 points of Will in her store.