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Fall of the Necromancer



Over the following pages, we present you with the Fall of the Necromancer campaign, a system of linking your games together in such a way that the results of one game can impact your next game or even one much later on! This will join together the already dynamic Narrative Play Scenarios in such a way that it will feel as if you are playing through the scenes directly from the books and the movies.

As you may have already read, this supplement focuses on the battles and events that happened following Sauron's return to Middle-earth and the secrecy surrounding his stronghold of Dol Guldur in southern Mirkwood. The Scenarios start with Sauron founding the fortress of Dol Guldur upon Amon Lanc in the year 1000 of the Third Age. From there you will be able to play through many of the well-known (and some lesser-known) events following the Dark Lord's return; from the corruption of the Greenwood to Gandalf's first exploration of Dol Guldur in which the Necromancer flees to ensure his return remains secret, beginning the time known as the Watchful Peace. There are then more Scenarios that depict some of the events shown, or mentioned, in The Hobbit™: Motion Picture Trilogy, such as Legolas and Tauriel clearing the spider nests, the attack on Radagast's home of Rhosgobel, all the way up to the final battle where Sauron reveals his return to the White Council.

You can play this campaign with as few as two people, though if you wish different players can take control of different Scenarios, that way you can get a whole gaming group involved. However, it is important to note that you should play the Scenarios in order as the results of one Scenario may change how a later one plays...


After each Scenario has been completed, note down which side won that Scenario, either Good or Evil. This is important as, depending on who was victorious, there may be a bonus or penalty to a certain side in a future Scenario. For example, if the Evil side is victorious in the Flight to the East Scenario, then the Evil side will receive a bonus in the Capture of the Grey Wizard Scenario - a much later Scenario in the campaign. These bonuses reflect the advantages of success and the edge it will give either side in the future.



Good: In The Gathering Evil Scenario, only three Elves need to escape the board for the Good player to win.

Evil: In The Gathering Evil Scenario, at least five Elves need to escape the board for the Good player to win.

THE GATHERING EVIL Good: In the Corruption of the Greenwood Scenario, the Good player may deploy within 18" of the northern board edge.

Evil: In the Corruption of the Greenwood Scenario, at the end of the 10^th^ turn the Evil player may choose to have an 11^th^ turn if they wish.


Good: In the Lurking in the Shadows Scenario, the Evil player may only decide where Spider models enter play on a 5+ rather than a 4+.

Evil: In the Lurking in the Shadows Scenario, the Evil player may decide where Spider models enter play on a 3+ rather than a 4+.


Good: In the Flight to the East Scenario, the Good player may choose to automatically gain Priority at the start of any turn. This can only be used once per game.

Evil: In the Flight to the East Scenario, the Evil player may choose to automatically gain Priority at the start of any turn. This can only be used once per game.





Good: In the Capture of the Grey Wizard Scenario, the Necromancer starts the game with only 20 points of Will.

Evil: In the Capture of the Grey Wizard Scenario, the Necromancer may re-roll 1s when making Casting tests.


Good: In the Clearing the Nests Scenario, the Good player may re-roll 1s when trying to wound the Spider Nest.

Evil: In the Clearing the Nests Scenario, Spider models may return to the board on a 4+ rather than a 5+.


Good: In the Attack on Rhosgobel Scenario, Spider models may only move half their Move value on the first turn.

Evil: In the Attack on Rhosgobel Scenario, whenever a Spider model suffers a Wound, roll a D6. On the roll of a 6 the Wound is ignored.


Good: In the Exploration of Dol Guldur Scenario, Radagast may re-roll 1s when making Casting tests.

Evil: In the Exploration of Dol Guldur Scenario, the Evil player may roll two dice to see which statue the Witch-king is hiding in and pick either result.




EXPLORATION OF DOL GULDUR Good: In the Make Haste to Dol Guldur Scenario, if a Mirkwood Spider hits Radagast with its webbing, roll a D6. On the roll of a natural 6, the shot misses and Radagast suffers no effects from being Webbed.

Evil: In the Make Haste to Dol Guldur Scenario, Radagast starts the game with only a single point of Might.


Good: In the Capture of the Grey Wizard Scenario, Thráin may re-roll failed Courage tests.

Evil: In the Capture of the Grey Wizard Scenario, Thráin suffers a -1 penalty to his Courage value when testing for his Shattered Spirit special rule.

CAPTURE OF THE GREY WIZARD Good: In The Fall of the Necromancer Scenario, the Necromancer starts the game with only 20 points of Will.

Evil: In The Fall of the Necromancer Scenario, Gandalf may not roll to recover from the Paralyse Magical Power in the first two turns.

MAKE HASTE TO DOL GULDUR Good: In The Fall of the Necromancer Scenario, Radagast may Charge on the turn in which he arrives.

Evil: In The Fall of the Necromancer Scenario, Radagast starts the game with only a single point of Might.]