War in Rohan


Here we present you with the War in Rohan campaign, a system of linking your games together in such a way that the results of one game can impact your next game or even one much later on! This will join together the already dynamic Narrative Play Scenarios in such a way that it will feel as if you are playing through the scenes directly from the books and the movies.

As you may have already guessed, this supplement focuses on the battles and events that happened within the kingdom of Rohan, from the treachery of Saruman and the burning of the Westfold, all the way to the Siege of Helm's Deep. The Scenarios start with Saruman siding with the Dark Lord and forging an army of Orcs, Uruk-hai and Wild Men; the Dunlending's attack on Rohan's villages and the burning of the Westfold, through the battles at the Fords of Isen and the troubles that surround Rohan, before reaching the epic battle at the fortress of Helm's Deep - one of the most iconic battles to take place during the War of The Ring.

You can play this campaign with as few as two people, though if you wish different players can take control of different Scenarios, that way you can get a whole gaming group involved. However, it is important to note that you should play the Scenarios in order as the results of one Scenario may change how a later one plays.


After each Scenario has been completed, it is important to note down which side won that Scenario, either Good or Evil. This is important as, depending on who was victorious, there may be a bonus or penalty to a certain side in a future Scenario. For example, if the Good side is victorious in the Grishnákh's End Scenario then the Good side will receive a bonus in the Last March of the Ents Scenario - a much later Scenario in the campaign. These bonuses reflect the advantages of success and the edge it will give either side in the future.

BURNING OF THE WESTFOLD Good: In the First Battle of the Fords of Isen Scenario, the Good player may add an additional +1 when rolling for when Elfhelm arrives.

Evil: In the First Battle of the Fords of Isen Scenario, the Good player suffers a -1 penalty when rolling for when Elfhelm arrives.

FIRST BATTLEOF THE FORDS OF ISEN Good: In the Second Battle of the Fords of Isen Scenario, the Good player may deploy their Cavalry models after the Evil player has finished deploying.

Evil: In the Second Battle of the Fords of Isen Scenario, the Evil player has Priority on the first turn.

SECOND BATTLE OF THE FORDS OF ISEN Good: In the Warg Attack Scenario, Good models may enter the board on a 2+ rather than a 3+.

Evil: In the Warg Attack Scenario, Théoden starts the game with only a single point of Might.


Good: In the Grishnákh's End Scenario, Merry and Pippin can, once per game each, choose to discard any card they draw and draw another card.

Evil: In the Grishnákh's End Scenario, Grishnákh can, once per game, choose to discard any card he draws and draw another card.


Good: In the Last March of the Ents Scenario, the Ents may deploy within 9" of the eastern board edge.

Evil: In the Last March of the Ents Scenario, Treebeard starts the game with only a single point of Might.


Good: In the Éomer's Return Scenario, Gandalf may re-roll a single D6 when making Casting tests.

Evil: In the Éomer's Return Scenario, Gandalf suffers a -1 penalty when making Casting tests.


Good: In the Raise the Ladders Scenario, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli may re-roll a D6 when attempting to knock down a ladder.

Evil: In the Raise the Ladders Scenario, Aragorn starts the game with only a single point of Might.


Good: In The Walls of Helm's Deep Scenario, the Good side instead needs to kill 30 models in order to win.

Evil: In The Walls of Helm's Deep Scenario, the Good side instead needs to kill 40 models in order to win.


Good: In the Plant the Charges Scenario, the Uruk-hai Demolition Teams are instead deployed within 6" of the eastern board edge.

Evil: In the Plant the Charges Scenario, Legolas starts the game with only a single point of Might.


Good: In The Deeping Wall is Breached Scenario, each Good Hero will instead start the game with a single point of Fate.

Evil: In The Deeping Wall is Breached Scenario, Good models that start the game Prone may only stand up in the first turn of the game; they may not move further that turn.

THE DEEPING WALL IS BREACHED Good: In the Retreat to the Hornburg Scenario, the Good side instead needs to have 8 models escape the board in order to win.

Evil: In the Retreat to the Hornburg Scenario, the Good side instead needs to have 12 models escape the board in order to win.



RETREAT TO THE HORNBURG Good: In The Causeway Scenario, the gate instead has two wounds remaining.

Evil: In The Causeway Scenario, the Evil player may re-roll failed To Wound rolls of a 1.


Good: In the Fall Back to the Keep Scenario, the Good player may re-roll To Wound rolls of a 1 for Aragorn and Gimli.

Evil: In the Fall Back to the Keep Scenario, Aragorn and Gimli start the game with only a single point of Might.

FALL BACK TO THE KEEP Good: In the Ride Out Scenario, once per game Théoden may declare a Heroic Combat without spending Might.

Evil: In the Ride Out Scenario, once per game the Evil player may choose to automatically gain Priority instead of rolling for it.


Good: In the Éomer's Return Scenario, once per game the Good player may choose to automatically gain Priority instead of rolling for it.

Evil: In the Éomer's Return Scenario, once per game the Evil player may choose to automatically gain Priority instead of rolling for it.


Good: In the Uruk-hai Retreat Scenario, the Evil player instead needs 10 Uruk-hai models to escape the board in order to win the game.

Evil: In the Uruk-hai Retreat Scenario, the Evil player may instead deploy their models within 3" of the western board edge.

LAST MARCH OF THE ENTS Good: In the Uruk-hai Retreat Scenario, whenever an Uruk-hai model suffers a hit from a restless tree, this will instead be resolved at Strength 5.

Evil: In the Uruk-hai Retreat Scenario, each Ent will start the game with only two Wounds remaining.]