Legendary Legions

A Legendary Legion is a different way of selecting your army for a battle. Each represents those fighting forces that were present at a specific battle or point in time within the history of Middle-earth, either from the books or the movies. They provide a bespoke army list with all of the relevant Heroes as well as a series of special rules to faithfully encapsulate the feel of the moment you are representing on the tabletop.


A Legendary Legion is a standalone army list that is separate from all of the others presented elsewhere. It will list all of the profiles that can be used when fielding it, as well as any wargear that can be taken by the units and Heroes included. This may mean that a profile that could normally take a certain piece of wargear may not be able to take that piece of wargear in a Legendary Legion if it does not fit the specific theme of the list. Alternatively, some profiles may come with certain wargear already built into their points cost, ensuring that the relevant wargear is always taken. When this is the case, the wargear will be stated in the profile's entry and its points value will have been adjusted accordingly.

A Legendary Legion will often be made up of profiles that would normally not be in the same army list. This is intentional as it allows players to create a force that is thematic and fits the specific snapshot or moment from the books or movies that the Legendary Legion represents.

When a Legendary Legion lists a profile that can be used in the army list, the profile can be found either in this supplement or in Armies of The Lord of the Rings or Armies of The Hobbit™. Additionally, Hero models will keep the same Heroic Tier that they are presented with in their specific profile, unless otherwise stated.

All Legendary Legions will have a series of special rules that will help set them apart from the other army lists available. Each special rule will help to enhance the character of the army and really add to the feel that you are playing with the force directly out of the books or movies.

Additionally, Legendary Legions will often have a list of restrictions that players must abide by in order to use that army list. This could be anything from making sure that all models are mounted, or having a certain Hero lead the army – anything that gives the army a better feel for the scene it is representing.

As Legendary Legions are meant to represent a specific point in time, there are a few differences between them and the normal army lists found in Armies of The Lord of the Rings and Armies of The Hobbit.


Legendary Legions focus on key moments from the books and movies, and as such they will already contain all of the relevant profiles that can be used within the army list. Because of this, they cannot ally with any other army lists under any circumstances.


Whilst other army lists have an Army Bonus to reward players for taking a pure force, Legendary Legions go one step further. Whilst they don't have an Army Bonus as such (mainly because they must always be pure forces by their very nature), they will have a series of additional special rules instead, all of which are listed on the relevant Legendary Legion's page.


Often, a Legendary Legion will encompass various profiles from multiple different army lists. When building your force using a Legendary Legion, Hero models from the list may lead any of the Warrior models from the same list – even if they would not normally be able to do so. This allows players to fully build an army that mirrors the scene that the Legendary Legion is trying to replicate.