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Additional Rules

Whilst the rules we have presented in this supplement are all players need to run their own tournaments and gaming weekends, this doesn't mean they are the only rules that can be used in such events. In fact, many tournaments will use their own additional rules to add extra flavour to their event to make it that little bit more unique.

Over the next few pages we are going to present you with a selection of additional rules that Tournament Organisers can make use of when putting together their own event. These can be used at the discretion of the Tournament Organiser, who may decide to implement one, or more, of these additional rules at their own events.


Some events may like to reward those players that gain an impressive victory more than those who simply managed to eke out a win by the narrowest of margins. To allow for this, Tournament Organisers may choose to use Major and Minor victories to further separate the players in the rankings.

If a player achieves double or more Victory Points than their opponent, they will achieve a Major Victory while their opponent will receive a Major Loss. If a player wins their game, but doesn't score double or more Victory Points than their opponent, they will earn a Minor Victory whilst their opponent will receive a Minor Loss.

For example: In a tournament, Jay beats Rob by 9 Victory Points to 4. As Jay has scored at least double the number of Victory Points as Rob, Jay achieves a Major Victory whilst Rob receives a Major Loss.

On the next table, Sam beats Adam by 3 Victory Points to 2, and so Sam wins a Minor Victory, giving Adam a Minor Loss.

If a tournament uses this system, then it should change the Tournament Points scored as provided on page 5 to the following:

Major Victory: 6 Tournament Points

Minor Victory: 5 Tournament Points

Draw: 2 Tournament Points

Minor Loss: 1 Tournament Point

Major Loss: 0 Tournament Points


If a Tournament Organiser wishes, they may choose to change the order of the tiebreakers listed on page 5 to better suit the theme of their event. They may even choose to add in additional tiebreakers for their own event. However, whatever the Tournament Organiser decides to use as their tiebreakers should be made clear to all players before the start of the event.

Below are some additional ideas for tiebreakers that can be used if a Tournament Organiser wishes:

  • Favourite Game votes
  • Number of Secret Objectives achieved (see page 45)
  • Number of games where your leader has survived
  • Number of Major Victories
  • Favourite Army votes

The style of event that is being run will often dictate the tiebreakers used. In a more competitive Matched Play environment, Tournament Organisers will often stick to the main tiebreakers laid out on page 5, maybe with others added afterwards if needed. However, in more relaxed events, tiebreakers such as Favourite Game votes or Favourite Army votes are more likely to be used to add to the more relaxed nature of the event.


Some events like to use what is known as an Escalation format for the armies that the players will use. What this means is that players will start with a small army, then add more and more to their army following each game — though they cannot remove anything from their army after it has been added in.

What this results in is the constantly changing state of an army, one where players can grow their force over the course of the event.

For example: In a two-day event, players may start off with 500 points for the first two games, then increase to 600 points for the second two games. On the second day they play the first two games at 750 points, before playing the final game at 1,000 points.

There are a couple of things that are important to remember when running these Escalation style events. Firstly, at the start of the event players will need to submit all of their army lists for all of the points levels they will be playing. Secondly, the Tournament Organiser will need to make sure that they have taken the increased points levels into account when deciding on how long to run each round for.


One extra rule that can be a lot of fun at events is the use of Secret Objectives. These are a selection of additional missions that players can choose from at the start of a round, and will try to achieve during their game without revealing them to their opponent. Often, events that use these Secret Objectives will use them as the first tiebreaker; so they are rather important when in use!

There are a total of 12 different Secret Objectives that can be used (provided over the following pages). At the start of the game, each player should select three of the Secret Objectives to put forward without making them known to their opponent. Their opponent will then roll a D3 to determine which of the three will then be used during the game. Once a Secret Objective has been selected to be used in a game, then it cannot be put forward again for the remainder of the event. Players should write down the Secret Objective they are trying to achieve on a piece of paper and place it at the edge of the board. They should also submit which Secret Objective they've used, and whether they were successful in achieving it, to the Tournament Organiser at the end of the game.

It is important to note that not all Secret Objectives will always be achievable in every game. For example, if your opponent has no Monster models in their army, then you won't be able to score the Bring them Down! Secret Objective as there will be no Monster models to kill.


Kill all Monster models in your opponent's army by the end of the game. Monster models that flee the board count towards scoring this Secret Objective.


Have your leader kill the enemy leader in combat. Your leader must cause every Wound to the enemy leader to score this Secret Objective.


Kill the most expensive Hero model (include wargear in their points cost) in your opponent's force. If the most expensive Hero is part of two Hero models bought together (e.g., Elladan & Elrohir or Murin & Drár), then you must kill both to score this Secret Objective.


Have at least 75% of your starting number still alive at the end of the game.


Have the cheapest Hero model in your force alive at the end of the game. If the cheapest Hero is part of two Hero models bought together (e.g., Sigrid & Tilda), then you must have both alive at the end of the game to score this Secret Objective.


Have any Hero model in your force kill at least 10 enemy models over the course of the game.


Kill more enemy models with shooting attacks than your opponent by the end of the game.


Kill all enemy models that can cast Magical Powers by the end of the game. Enemy models that flee the board count towards scoring this Secret Objective.


Control any piece of woodland terrain on the board at the end of the game. To control a terrain piece, you need at least three friendly models wholly within the terrain piece and no enemy models wholly within that terrain piece.


Control any building on the board at the end of the game. To control a building, you need at least three friendly models wholly within or on the building and no enemy models wholly within or on that building.


Have at least twice as many models wholly within 6" of the centre of the board than your opponent at the end of the game.


Have your leader survive the game having suffered no Wounds and spent no Fate points.